Chapter 5: Other Movie Night.

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Bruno's P.O.V

"You've got a looooot of explaining to do, I'm so confused Bruno." Lorena said with a confused face.

"Lor, it's a loooooooong story"

"They didn't do anything bad to you right?"

"Yeah, let's go with that." I said laughing

"Well, I'm gonna find out one way or another Bruno, you know I will."

Well now I'm really nervous, she always finds out what she wants. I'm going to trying to change the conversation. "Well Lor, I don't think you will, but let's watch a movie since you don't have work tomorrow. Hey what about an allnighter!" I screamed "Yaaay, sure, I haven't had one of those with you since a loooong time." Good, I think she was starting to forget. "I'm picking out the movie this time, & no scary movies, no matter how much you convince me!" she screamed.

Aww man, I wanted to watch a scary movie again just to get her in my arms again. "Fine, you could pick, just as long as it isn't a-" I was cut off "chick-flick!" she yelled out. "HELLLL NO. Lorena please." I begged "Too bad, I'm picking it out." I got up from the couch and went on my knees in front of her. "Please, noooooooooo. I'll watch anything else, just not a chick-flick."

"Fine Bruno, you've won." she finally gave up. She picked out this love movie I've never heard of. "My friends tell me this movie is so cute." She said with a smirk. Oh my God, what does this mean? Is this a signal, or is she trying to mess with me? The movie started & we both got on the couch & got into a blanket together.


After awhile into the movie Lorena puts down her food & gets closer to me. Oh my God, what is she doing? Is this a signal? Should I put my arms around her? Does she want to cuddle? Oh my God, my head is gonna explode. My phone starts ringing. Who the hell could be calling me at 1 in the morning. I read the phone contact. Of course it was Phil.

"Is she still there?" he asked.

"Yes, why are you calling me?" I asked

"What the hell are you doing? Did you tell her yet?"

"Hold on Lorena, I'll be right back, lemme take this call." I told her. I went to the bathroom. "Phil, no I haven't & right now we're watching this love movie she picked out." I explained "Bruno! Do it!" he scram. "I'm waiting for the right time, & she's getting closer & closer to me while we're under the blankets watching the movie, does this mean anything?" I asked "You dumb ass, yes! cuddle with her! Put your arms around her! Do something!" he yelled. "Okay Phil, bye." I hanged up.

I went back to the living room. I got under the blankets again & continued watching the movie. She got closer to me again. Oh my God, should I do what Phil told me? Ughhh, I'm gonna explode. I moved my left arm & put it around her. She responded by getting in closer & hugging me.

Finally! One step closer. We continued watching the movie this way for a while. I was so happy. Then she asked me, "Bruno, I almost forgot, what did they do, what happened?" Fuuuuck, I had forgotten, I thought she forgot too. "Ummmmm, it was nothing really, we don't have to talk about it, it's okay."

"Brunoooo." she said my name warning me. "Yesssss best friend?" I answered, playing dumb. "Tell me now, or else."

"Hahahaaa, or else what? You're gonna beat me? You're soooo small." I teased her. "Bruno, you don't wanna go there." she said turning around. "Hahahahaha, don't worry, I'll put a scary movie & you'll probably go running off." I teased her even more.

She went to the other side of the couch & crossed her arms & looked down like if she was about to cry. I went to her side & said "Oh my God, Lorena, I'm soooo sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that, please don't cry, please, I'll cry with you if you start crying." I said to her.

She looked at me with a sad face for about 5 seconds, then came at me. She threw me on the couch & I landed on my back. Before I could get up, she got on top of me & pinned me down, holding my arms down. "You're gullible best friend." she said to me laughing. "You clever, clever small girl." I said smirking.

"Now you're gonna have to tell me about what happened with your Hooligans." she said smirking. "It's not important really." I said trying to get up. She pinned me down again, but her grip was harder. "I'm not letting go until you tell me." she explained. "C'mon Lorena, it doesn't have to be this way." I tried to sound convincing, but it didn't work.

"Uh uh, tell me Bruno. I told you I have my ways of figuring out the things I want." she said. "I'll tell you, when you let go of that grip on my arms." I said, trying to plan out something. She let go of my arms, I can't believe she did that. "Okay, well this is what happened. I went to practice today & then-" I stopped & I grabbed her arms then flipped her over to the other side of the couch.

I got on top of her before she could get up. Then I grabbed her arms & put them under my knees so I wouldn't have to be holding them.

"Well, well, look who's on top now." I said with a smirk. "This wasn't suppose to happen! I was suppose to be holding you until you told me what happened!" she screamed. "Haaaaa! Well what are you gonna do now? Like you said you would. Well I guess there's no hope for you Lorena." I said with my arms up to the side.

I shouldn't have put my arms up because afterwards Lorena put me down by grabbing my arms with her legs. Then she pinned me down like I did to her. "Bruno, don't try me, I will win." she said proudly. "Nope, I'm keeping my mouth shut." I said.

"Tell me Bruno, pleaseee." I didn't talk. After a while of begging, she bent down & whispered in my ear, "Bruno tell me now, please." But her lips were rubbing on my ears while she said that, & her hot breath got to me. "Oh you better not do what I'm thinking." I said warning her. "Bruno, I got my ways, tell me or I will you know what." she said warning me. "Lorena no, you're gonna make me crazy, you don't wanna see that side of me, I will break."

"Are you gonna tell me anything then?" she asked. I just stayed quiet. "Oh well, here I go." she said. "No wait!" I screamed. She got back up. "Yesssssss?" she asked. "Lorena please don't make me do this. I swear to you."

She just bent down and...


Hey guy! I will upload 2 chapters on Feb. 14 2014 which is on a Friday instead of Saturday because Friday is Valentine's Day! Enjoy c: Just in case you haven't noticed, I post every Saturday c:

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