Chapter 7: Love Conquers all

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Lorena's P.O.V

I was so happy, I had Bruno & all his friends loved me.

"Does this mean you guys could explain to me what you guys did to Bruno the other day?" I asked. The guys looked at Bruno & then back at me. The room was quiet, too quiet. We were just looking at each other.

Then out of no where, Phil yelled out, "Okay, I'm ordering pizza, cheese or pepperoni?" and all the guys ran his way, while Bruno scratched the back of his head & walked away slowly. They all went to the table & I walked their way. "Okay, fine don't tell me now, but I will find out eventually." I said smirking to Bruno.

The boys saw the way I was looking at Bruno & turned to him with a warning face. "Bruno, don't you fall for her tricks, I can see what she's already planning by that look." said Phredley. "Don't worry guys, that won't leave outta me, no matter what." Bruno said with confidence. "We'll see about that, pretty boy." I said, while turning around & going to the couch & turning on the TV.


After minutes of the boys cracking jokes & playing around, there was a knock at the door. "IT'S THE PIZZA, I KNOW IT IS. PIZZAAAAAAA." said Phil rolling around & jumping until he got to the door. "Does anyone has 15 bucks?" yelled Phil from the front door. I stood up & went to the front door & handed the pizza guy the 15 bucks & grabbed the pizza from Phil.

As I set it on the tables, the guys go crazy. "Aye! Calm down." I screamed. They all sat down on their chair. As I open the pizza box I started to smile. The pizza was shaped in a heart. It said, "Lorena, you're the best thing that happened to me." I was smiling ear to ear. It was so cute, but it didn't matter to the boys.

They stuck their hands all in the pizza box & grabbed a slice & began to eat. Luckily there was still two slices left, one for Bruno & one for me. I went back on the couch to eat since there wasn't no space for me in the table. It didn't take Bruno seconds to come right next to me & start cuddling with me under the blankets.

The guys were fake crying. "Oh Bruno, Bruno, show us your ways!" yelled Kameron. "We're forever alone on this special day, Valentine's Day." yelled John. They all started cracking up. "Aye, shouldn't you guys be out buying things for your mom? I mean it's Valentine's Day, I think she would be pretty sad if you didn't remember." Bruno said afterwards. I was cracking up so hard, I had fallen to the floor.

"C'mon guys, head out, I have plans today." I heard Bruno yell. "Ohhhh! I get what you mean, we'll be right out." Phil winked at Bruno, then at me. Bruno turned red like a tomato. As all the guys were heading out the door, they threw little kissy faces at Bruno & I and also winked. "C'mon guys, go, go, go." Bruno said as he closed the door.

Bruno's P.O.V

As I went back to the couch, where my princess was, I see her blushing hard. "C'mon Lorena." I got a suprise for you. "Wait, where are we going? What do I wear?" She asked nervously. "Don't worry." I said grabbing her arm & leading her to the door. "Just dress casually." I said as I called a taxi, & put her in it. "Bruno wait-" she said, but I cut her off & paid the taxi driver & told him Lorena's address.

"Brunoooo!"  she screamed. "I love you! I'll tell you what to do in a while, I'm gonna get ready." I screamed as the taxi driver drove on.

Lorena's P.O.V

Bruno put me in a taxi & he said to wear something casual. As soon as the taxi driver gets to my house, I run inside & go to my room & look for something to wear.

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