Chapter 10: Trouble Rises

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*one week later*

Lorena's P.O.V

*Ring Ring Ring* My alarm clock went on my phone, it was Saturday, 8 A.M. It was time for me to go visit Bruno. I decided to call Phil, to check up on him. "Hello?" said Phil in a sleepy voice. "Hey Phil, I'm going to visit Bruno now, come at around anytime you'd like." I said.

"Lorena, I might not be able to go today, neither can the Hooligans, just take care of Bruno today, please." he said & hung up.

I went to my bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth, & did everything else. I went to my kitchen & made myself some breakfast, some lazy breakfast though, cereal. I turned on the TV.

"Who is this famous Lorena girl Bruno Mars is going out with? Is she famous? Is she pretty? Also, where has Bruno Mars been? He hasn't been anywhere. More on this at 6." said the TV reporter. I just shut off the TV, I wasn't up for bullshit the paparazzi had come up with.

I finished my cereal & found a taxi & headed for the hospital.


Few minutes later I finally got there. I directly went to the main entrance & got my visitor pass. I headed straight to Bruno's room.

I saw him, still in a coma, disappointed. I was hoping for him to be awake already, it's been a week. I go to him, hug him & kiss him on the check.

I just turn on the TV in the room & decided to watch some old fashion Mickey Mouse shows.


I look at my watch & realize three hours pass & I was just watching Mickey Mouse shows. I decided to go downstairs & get some coffee & lunch. I went downstairs to the food court & got coffee, rice with chicken & some fruits for desert.

I decided to eat with Bruno upstairs this time, even though it hurts me to see him like this still. I sat down & ate, watching the Mickey Mouse show. Minutes later, I finished & went downstairs to throw away the food tray.

I went back up stairs to Bruno, hoping to see him awake, but sadly, letting my hopes down again.

I sat next to him, & started crying. "Bruno, I hate seeing you like this, I'm sick of seeing you in a coma. Please wake up, I need you in my life Bruno. Without you I'm nothing. I just want to jump put of this window right now, I can't handle this pain anymore. Please wake up." I just continued crying.

Bruno's P.O.V

I hear Lorena, I heard her ever since she came in today. I don't know if it's morning, afternoon or night. I haven't had the strength to open my eyes or move. The worst part of all is that she thinks I'm still in this coma.

I hate hearing her cry like this. I don't like her suffering like this & I also hate hearing that she said she wants to jump out of the window. The thing is that I can't move or anything to show her I'm okay. I hate this.

Lorena's P.O.V

"Bruno please, wake up!" I started crying even more. "What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do if he doesn't wake up? I'm gonna kill myself for sure, it doesn't matter, I'll just do it if the doctors announce it." I decided to call Phil & beg him to come, I couldn't handle this pain. I walked out the room.

Bruno's P.O.V

I can't stand hearing these things Lorena is saying to herself, I wish I could get up & tell her I'm okay & hug her & tell her everything's going to be alright. I tried hard to open my eyes, I tried for about 10 minutes. Nothing worked. Then I tried moving my legs & nothing. Then my arms. Nothing either.

I got so frustrated, I wanted to cry. Then a tear came down my face.

I cried a little! This could show Lorena a signal! I tried crying more, but nothing would come out. The tears I cried had dried up already, so Lorena wouldn't see anything. I got more frustrated.

Lorena's P.O.V

I went down stairs & called Phil.

"Hello?" he said.

"Phil! It's me, Lorena. I need you to come please." I asked

"Lorena, I said I can't, the Hooligans need me for the plans." he said.

"Fuck the plans, get your asses here now, I need people surrounded by me." I said.

"Lorena, sorry, we can't." he said. I got sad, I couldn't handle it. "Phil if you guys don't come, I'm going to literally throw myself out of the window in Bruno's room, no lie." I said.

"Lorena, please don't." he begged. "See you later Phil... in heaven." I said crying. "Lorena, don't, we're heading there now, please don't do nothing." He hung up.

I decided to go back to Bruno's room. Once I got there, I sat next to him. "Bruno, I know you probably can't hear me know, I just want to let you know, I love you Peter Gene Hernandez. Nothing's going to change that. If you survive this, I'm gonna let you know, you'll make me the happiest girl in the world. But if you don't, just know we'll meet each other in heaven." I started to cry.

"Bruno, I can't take this pain anymore, not today." I stood up & went for the window, I opened it.

Bruno's P.O.V

"Bruno, I can' t take this pain anymore, not today." I heard Lorena say. I hope she's not planning to do what I think she is. Then I heard a window open. I can't take it, I wish I could move & grab her before she did anything & now she's gonna be dead because of me. I tried moving, but nothing worked. Then I heard her say "Good bye, love."

Lorena's P.O.V

I managed to get one leg through the window, before I put the other, I said : "Good bye, my love."

As I try to put my other leg over, someone walked in...


Hey guys thanks for readng, I'm  at this hospital, but there was this TV with internet, so I was able to post.

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