Chapter 14: Caught In A Trap

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*next day*

Lorena's P.O.V

I woke up crying & screaming. Bruno came to my side & wrapped his arms around me. "Another nightmare?" he asked. I nodded my head. I've been having nightmare all night. " I'll bring you some water.

I was in Bruno's bed with some clothes Bruno offered me, one of his big t-shirts & no pants. Bruno came with the water & sat down in bed with me. "There, drink some. Calm down sweetie, I hate seeing you like this." Bruno said with a worried face.

I drank up all the water & set the glass to one side. "Lorena can we please talk about what happened, I'm dying to know, it's killing me." Bruno said really concern.

"Alright fine. Well yesterday I went to work, then I saw Jayden next to my desk. He introduced himself as the new guy that came in while I was in vacation. Through out the whole day he kept trying to get at me, but I always rejected him." I took a deep breath for the next part.

"Well the boss had to leave for some reason & he put Jayden & I in charge of taking care of the office, it was like 12 AM so no one was there but him & I. I was behind the desk & Jayden on the couch, then he approached me & I rejected him." Tears started forming in my eyes. Bruno hugged me tightly, but I continued.

"He then asked to be best friends & I was like, what harm could that do? So I accepted. My mistake was giving him a hug when he asked for one." Bruno cut me off. "What happened?" he asked.

"Well he spun me around & then threw me into a corner saying that even though we met that day he liked me & he wanted all of me. Of course I rejected, but he went straight to my neck & left these marks." I showed Bruno the hickeys he left.

"I tried stopping it, but his weight was on me & he was grabbing my arms. I tried screaming for help but no one was there. Then I spat on his shirt & he started claiming that when I play hard to get it turns him on. Then that's when your text came in & he took the phone from me & texted you."

"I knew that wasn't you that messaged me!" Bruno scram.

I continued. "The he went to kiss my lips & I spat on his face & then he said he was getting mad & I spat in his face again & then he said I was gonna pay the punishment." Bruno cut me off. " What punishment?"

Well he grabbed me & threw me on the floor & said we were having sex & started to unbutton my shirt. I pushed him hands off me. Then he threaten me & I remember every single word, he said:

"Do what I want or I'll make your life hell. I'll make you lose your job, cause the break up between your boyfriend & you & I'll murder you after I forcefully make you have sex with me & no one will find you & that's a promise. If you get me fired or arrested, I'll find you Lorena & it's gonna be something you'll regret if you don't do what I want peacefully."

"And he showed me his gun so I got scared & obeyed him. He told me to strip down into my panties & bras & to lay down on the couch. Then he got on top of me & told me to french kiss him. After a while, he made me straddle him & kiss him while he had his hand all over my butt. I was crying the whole time & he started scream to stop crying."

"Then he said it was time for sex & he took off his shirt & pants quickly. I got scared & started crawling away. He grabbed me by my panties & just took them off. Then he flipped me over & he got on top of me. Then you came. Thank you Bruno. I love you a lot. Thank you for coming in at the right time." I said & gave him a big hug.

"I told you, I promise not to let anyone hurt you." Bruno said looking at me face to face & then set a peck on my lips.

"I just can't get over the words he said to me, Bruno. I'm too scared to even leave this house." I said still crying on his shoulder. "Lorena, don't let that one bad experience ruin your life. I know it was horrible, but they got that man & he's gonna serve his time." Bruno said rubbing my back.

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