Chapter 21: Funeral

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Bruno's P.O.V

The guys & I called people to transport Lorena's body to the funeral place. So we went back to our homes, it was already late.

"There goes another angel to Heaven." I said aloud with a tear flowing down my face. "Lorena if you can see me or hear me, just know that I love you & I never stopped." I said with more tears flowing down my face.

 Well another long day tomorrow, Lorena's family gets here & I still don't know how to talk Spanish.


"Welcome guys, I'll get you guys some rooms here at the hotel." I said as I paid the front guy. Lorena's family is huge,  now that her aunts & uncles are here.

"Thank you Bruno." said Lorena's mom still crying, while her husband held on to her. "Well guys, this is-" and before I could finish my sentence Lorena's cousin Emilio finished it for me. "Messi, Neymar & Pique!" he scram.

Why did I even try to introduce them, they are famous soccer players. They were all talking Spanish there & I didn't understand any so I just waited until they decided to switch back to English.

"Well let's get you guys settled down." I said out of patience, they didn't stop talking Spanish.

"Alright, we'll get going now, nice meeting you guys." said Lorena's dad & with that they all went to their assigned rooms.

"When is your family coming?" I asked them. "Tomorrow." they replied.

"The team is coming too." said Messi. "Alright, that's good, we'll have a full house." I said.

Then everything got quiet until Messi spoke up.

"So tomorrow is the day." said Messi.

"Yup, the day we finally say goodbye to Lorena." I said.


*next day*

The funeral was about to start, all we need was Lorena's family to get here, everything else was set up.

After 30 minutes of waiting they finally got here. "Sorry for being so late, but we're here." said Lorena's mom. Then the family took their seats.

Let's get started...

The guy put a song, but a sad down song, which made everyone cry, even the families that didn't know her.

"Let's all start by having each & everyone of us having a word with Lorena, those of us who know her, alone though." I said. "Let's have Lorena's family first." I said.

Her family stood one by one, & had a little talk at the alter with Lorena. It was like a 5 minute talk for each person. I was just crying by my seat. Then Lorena's cousin came to me.

"Oh hey." I said. "Everything's alright buddy, don't worry, she's watching us from up there." said Emilio. "Wait, you talk English?" I said confused. "Yeah, always have, just not my cousins." he said. "Then why didn't you speak it in the house?" I asked. "To mess around with you, because I know you don't talk Spanish." he said.

"I would say something but we're at Lorena's funeral." I said. He smiled. "Well buddy, I'm up next to say adios to my prima." he said & I perfectly understood.

Then Messi came to me. "You wanna go next?" said Messi. "No, make your team go. I wanna go last because I wanna have the last talk." I said, sure about my choice. "Alright, you got it buddy." he said as he left for his team.

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