Chapter 20: It's Official...

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Bruno's P.O.V

"Lorena!" I scram trying to get to her, but the guys held me back. "Let me go!" I scram as they took me out the room. "No Bruno, calm down, the doctors are doing their job." said Messi. They took me all the way down to the cafeteria.

"No, let go, I got to see Lorena!" I scram louder. They sat me down & Messi & Neymar held me down onto a chair.

"Bruno!" scram Gerard. I just started to cry, cry a lot. "He heart rate stopped, she's dead, dead." I sobbed. "Oh my God she is?!" scram Neymar & Gerard turning around to go back. "Guys! Get back here, the doctors are doing their jobs!" scram Messi.

Then a doctor came. "Guys, the doctors are doing all they can to get Lorena's heart beat up again." he said.

I just kept crying. I can't believe she's dead. She's dead.

And the last thing I said to her was so mean, I can't believe I couldn't hold her one more time in my arms or give her one last kiss, but now she's gone & that's something I'll never get back against those soccer players

"Okay, thank you doctor." said Messi. Gerard & Neymar were crying too. I thought they just wanted her to use her for sex but I guess they have real feelings for her too. Even Messi was crying, but I know he has a wife, so he wouldn't try to get with Lorena.

She'd probably pick them instead of me, but if it makes her happy, I guess that'll have to be that way, no matter how much I don't like it.

"Guys," I told the boys. "no matter who Lorena picks, if she does make it out of this, I'll be happy for her. No matter how much it hurts me, I'll let her be happy." I said handing out my hand to them.

"Alright." They said in unison & shook my hand.

"I'll buy us pizza." said Messi. We just shook our heads.

"Why did something like that have to happen to someone as innocent as Lorena?" said Gerard. "I know, bad things always happen to the nice people." said Neymar.

I just kept quiet because I still thing I'm the reason she's dead, the reason why all of this is happening, all this misery all this pain.

I killed her emotionally.


We decided to go back up stairs & wait outside of Lorena's room after all of us calmed down.

"I hope everything goes alright in there." said Gerard. "Yeah, I hope she come out better." said Neymar. "I'm still praying." I said.

*Next day*

Messi's P.O.V

We all come back to the hospital & we've been waiting for at least 3 hours already, they are still with her. Then a doctor came out.

"Guys come on over here, all of you, I gotta tell you about what's going on with Lorena." he said & took us to a separate room. "What's happening doctor? Everything okay?" I asked.

"Well Lorena's heart stop working, it stopped pumping the blood it needs to, so we've been working with her & all the possible things we did that could save her, didn't." he said.

"What are you trying to say?" said Bruno standing up. I stood up & got in front of the guys to hold them back for when the doctor gave the bad news.

"She is officially dead."

"What!" scram the guys, I was holding them back from standing up & panicking even more.

"I'm so sorry for all your lost." he said. Then the guys kept trying to get up. "Let go Messi! You don't understand this pain." scram the guys. I then got off of them & started to tear up, they shut up & just looked at me.

"Don't tell me I don't understand, because I know what it is to lose a loved one!" I yelled back at them, crying a bit more. "Lorena was a good friend of mines & don't think I don't feel sad because I do." I said. They just calmed down more.

"Can we see her?" I said turning around to the doctor. "Yeah, sure." said the doctor.

We went to her room, & there she was, lifeless as could be, with an IV tube on her hand.

The guys all broke down on the floor & I went next to her. None of us could believe that she's dead. She died at such a young age of 21. I know I didn't know her for too long but it still really hurts to lose someone just like that.

"You guys have a week to get her out of her for her funeral." said the doctor.

"I'll call her family & book them flights over here." said Bruno. "I'll ship in money." I said. "Us too." said Neymar & Gerard.


Later on, Bruno called Lorena's family & they would be here the day before her funeral. They were all crying when he told them the news, they thought he was kidding. Right now we're looking for a casket for Lorena & a fancy place here in Barcelona.

"Look this one look good for her." said Neymar. "Yeah, it's pretty, just like her." Bruno said tearing up. Then soon enough, everyone started tearing up.

"Guys, I know we lost a loved one, but we gotta be strong." I said. They kept crying. "She is looking at us from up there guys. Right now I think she would want us to be happy." I said, crying a bit.


We found the perfect place & casket for Lorena already. We decided to leave her in the hospital for a while until we got everything set up. My parents & siblings were coming over, so were Bruno's, Neymar's & Gerard's. My wife & kid were coming too.

All of Lorena's family was coming over & I heard they mostly speak Spanish so I could communicate with them easily.

There was three more days until Lorena's funeral & we had to get her in place by tomorrow. "Okay, almost done with planning, all we need is seat organization." said Bruno.

"Okay, Lorena's family on this side & our families on the other side, but Bruno, you can sit with Lorena's parents on that side." I said.

"Hey, but we wanna-" said Gerard but I cut him off. "Sh, sh, sh. Bruno is the boyfriend." I said. "But-" said Neymar. "Shut." I said.

We continued looking over what we planned & fixing little things. Soon enough everything was ready & all we had to do is get Lorena's body & move it over here & wait three more days for her family to get here & settle down at a hotel.



Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, like what are you doing?! First you make Bruno & Lorena have problems & then you kill off Lorena?! Don't worry, you don't know the half of it. I'm thinking of having the next 3 chapters in the book be the last chapters, maybe just maybe, not a 100% thing. What do you think? Should I have a sequel? Would you guys read the sequel? Comment below & don't forget to vote! Thanks to everyone that has supported this book.

-Bruno Mars Freak.

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