Chapter 19: She's In A What?!

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Lorena's P.O.V

I couldn't talk. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I just ran. Ran out of Camp Nou. Ran away somewhere far where hopefully no one couldn't find me.

I was sprinting nonstop to an unknown place. Then I found a park with no one there, I tried hiding behind a tree. Then I saw Bruno, Gerard & Neymar walk around calling my name.

"See Bruno, look what you did, you made her run off." said Gerard. "I didn't mean to! I was pouring out my feelings for her & she ran off. I just miss her so much I can't loose her."

"You show her you love her by screaming at her?" said Neymar. "No, I was stupid, I was too dumb to realize that I should of care. I don't know why I did that." he said.

"Well she deserves better." said Gerard. "Yeah, she does." agreed Neymar. "Wait, wait, hold up here," said Bruno moving away a little bit & facing both of them. "you guys like her don't you?" he asked.

"Yes." said Neymar & Gerard in unison. Bruno was so surprised, he just looked at them staright in the eye.

"So you were the one that answered her phone yesterday." Bruno said madly.

"What are you gonna do?" said Gerard mimicking.

Bruno started going at him & then Neymar got in the way. They were about to fight & then I popped out.

"No wait stop!" I said crying. "Look, she's even crying." said Gerard. "Stop just stop." I said softly, crying hard.

"Lorena, did you know these guys liked you?" asked Bruno. I didn't respond. "Sure as hell she did. Gerard & her kissed & I've kissed her too, we've also slept in the same bed cuddling." said Neymar.

Bruno then turned around to me. His face was mad, but his eyes were sad. "Is this true Lorena?" he asked softly. I fell down to my knees & cried more. Bruno came to me & kneed down next to me.

"Lorena answer me." he said. I still kept crying.  "Lorena!" he scram. I just nodded my head yes.

"How could you Lorena. All this time you were making me feel bad when you were cheating on me with these soccer players? Then you said I could trust you? I don't even have the courage to speak to you anymore at these moments. You've broken my heart Lorena." he said with sadness all over his eyes.

He then stood up & turned around to leave, but I stood up really quickly & turned him around.

"No wait Bruno, it wasn't like that." I said. "What do you mean? So you're telling me you didn't kiss them or sleep in the same bed either?" he asked.

"No but-" I started but he cut me off. "That's all I have to hear to shatter my heart even more." he said.

"But you've gotta understand-" he cut me off again. "The only thing to understand here is that you cheated on me & broke my heart." he said.

"Bruno." I said "Goodbye Lorena." he said leaving for good.

I fell to the floor & started to cry, cry hard. Then Neymar & Gerard came to give me company.

"Get off me! This is all your fault!" I scram at Neymar & Gerard.

"Lorena, if anything that was his test." said Gerard. "Yeah, because if he did really care, then he would of waited to hear what actually happened & how you were scared & needed company, your side of the story, how it was a mistake." said Neymar.

"That's true." I said realizing. "But still, I can't believe he just left me like that I can't handle this. I feel so horrible." I said holding my chest.

Then I felt all the stress pile on me. I couldn't handle it anymore. Then I fell to the floor & started trembling. The guys came to me & asked if I was okay but I couldn't respond.

"We've got to take her to a hospital!" Gerard yelled. "Okay, I'll take back seat with her, get your car started!" he yelled.

Then everything went black.

Messi's P.O.V

Neymar, Gerard & I at at the hospital. It seems like Lorena had a panic attack, but the doctors are not done with her yet.

"Guys so what happened?" I asked. "Well..." they said sctraching the back of their heads. "Tell me." I said seriously. "Bruno found that we like Lorena." said Neymar.

"Long story short, he thinks Lorena cheated on him with us & they might break up." said Gerard.

"What?! Stupid!" I said smacking them both on the back of their heads. "Ow!" they both scram.

Then the doctors came out. "Hello Mr. Messi, are you guys Lorena's friends?"  asked the doctor.

"Yes. Is everything alright doctor?" I asked. "Well, how do I say this..." said the doctor. Then we all stood up nervous. "What happened?" asked Neymar. "What wrong with Lorena?" asked Gerard.

"She's in a coma." he finally said. All of us just stood there shocked. "C-can we s-see her?" I asked.

"Yes." replied the doctor. We went in & Lorena was there laying down on the bed. We all started tearing up.

"I'm gonna have to tell Bruno to come over & see this." I said taking out my phone & texting him.

"Bruno, I know you & Lorena are having problems, but you have to pass by the hospital." I texted him.

"I don't feel like it, she broke my heart." he texted. "She's the one in the hospital, she's in a coma Bruno." I texted. "I don't believe you." he texted back. Then I sent him a picture of Lorena on the hospital bed. "On my way." he texted back.

When I look up, Neymar & Pique are by her side. "Why did this have to happen to your Lorena." said Pique crying. "It's always the nice people that get hurt." said Neymar crying also.

We spent the whole afternoon with her.


Bruno P.O.V

I finally got to the hospital & went to the front desk. "Lorena Cruz please." I said in a hurry. The lady gave me the room number & I rushed to the elevator.

I finally got to the room & I saw Messi, Neymar & Gerard sitting by her side. I went to her side & dropped on my knees & dug my face into the bed.

"How can I be so stupid!" I said getting up & punching the wall. Then I went back to her side. "We'll give you some time with her." said Messi. "But we wanna-" said Gerard & Neymar but Messi cut them off. "Guys." he said seriously. "Alright fine." they said.

I held on to her hand. "Lorena, I'm so sorry, it's all my  fault your in a hospital in a coma. I just can't believe it lead to this," I started to cry hard. "and even though you broke my heart with those guys, I will love you until the end of time. I will always be here." I started to cry more.

Then all of a sudden her heart rate started to slow down. "Lorena." I said getting up & shaking her. Her heart rate started getting slower & slower. "Lorena, please don't do this to me, please fight back." I said holding on to her hand tighter,

I went out & told the guys to call the doctors. They did, but as soon as the doctors walked in, her heart rate stopped completely.

She's dead.

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