Chapter 6: Confession

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Bruno's P.O.V

She just bent down and started kissing my neck, hard. She was trying to find my sweet spot.

Sure ass hell she did found it, cause when she did, I kicked the floor so hard & moaned. She kept kissing it. "Lorena. Stop. Please." I said slowly. "Are you gonna tell me?" she asked. I stayed quiet biting my lips, thinking if I should tell her, but then she when back to my sweet spot. "Lorena!" I screamed

She stopped & looked at me, face to face & went straight to my lips, hard. She was making out with me, & I wasn't just standing there, well actually laying there, so I kissed her back. She stopped & asked, "Are you gonna tell me Mars?" I just turned my head to the side & didn't say a thing. She went for my neck & slowly went to my lips.

When she got to my lips, I couldn't handle it anymore, I was enjoying it too much. I bursted out of her grip & threw her on the other side of the couch. She sat up & asked me to go to her side because she needed to tell me something. I went to her side, & she grabbed me & started kissing me, this time I got on top of her on the couch.

It was like a non-stop make out session. Three minutes later she stopped & said "This is wrong, I shouldn't have done this." With her hands on her face. "I really like you so much, it's just that I know you don't like me back, you're probably into models or something. I'm a nobody."

"Lorena..." She looked at me with teary eyes. I just kissed her. She pushed away. "Stop, you're just lying. Stop kissing me, it's just to make me feel better." she said.

"But Lorena-" she cut me off. "No, it's all a lie." I gotta go. "But Lorena, don't leave now, it's 2 AM, you can't go out there alone at this time. I won't allow this. Come sleep in my guest room" I said. "Okay, fine, but that part is coming out of your best friend side, cause I know you have no intention for me." She said, just getting up at heading for the guest room.

Ughhhh, she's in denial, I hate it when they get in denial. I decided to call Phil.

"Bruno, it's 2 AM." said Phil in a sleepy voice. "I know, I know. The thing is we started making out & now she's in denial." I explained "Oh my God, finally Bruno, and awww damn, why do they always get in denial." said Phil. "I know, but I got the perfect plan, & I need you & the Hooligans help." When you wake up again in the morning, I need you to call all the guys & tell them to meet me up on that interview I have tomorrow with their instruments. I got a plan, & it's good since it's gonna be on TV.

Lorena's P.O.V

I wake up this morning, expecting to be in my house. "Fuck, everything was real, it wasn't a dream." I screamed. I was looking around & I saw this sticky note on the mirror, it said:

"Good morning Lorena, brush your teeth & do your thing, breakfast is in the microwave, enjoy sweetie - Bruno."

Ughhhh, he's trying to make me feel better again.

I got into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I realized he had bought me a toothbrush. There was a sticky note  on the bathroom mirror saying:

"You're beautiful Lorena. - Bruno."

Awww, that's so cute, but again, it's just to make me feel better about yesterday. I finished brushing my teeth & went to the kitchen to get breakfast.

I open the microwave & he made me waffles & chocolate milk. I grab it & then I notice there's another sticky note. I grabbed it & said:

"I'm not trying to make you feel better, I'm telling the truth 100%. - Bruno."

" Mhm, like if that's true. I went to the table & place my breakfast on the table & started eating.

Then I notice another sticky note on the vase.

"Lorena, turn on the TV in the living room & go to my interview, hurry - Bruno."

I did as the note said, & there was Bruno. There was this lady interviewing him.

After 10 minutes of this lady asking Bruno question, Bruno says "That's for allowing me to do this." Then he got up on a stage & his Hooligans were there.

"This is for Lorena Cruz. I love this girl way too much. Lorena, I've been loving you for 3 years!"

My mouth opens wide. "One, two, one, two, three." Bruno started sing 'Treasure.' While singing, a big picture of me pops up from the background with confetti. The picture says: "Say yes already!" The performance ended & Bruno finished it by saying, "Happy Valentine's Day Lorena, I love you."

When the performance ended, I was in tears. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. Then I saw Bruno calling someone on TV.

Then my phone started to ring. I ran for it. It was Bruno. I picked up & went back downstairs.

"So what do you say Lor?" he asked "Oh my God Bruno, I'm crying so hard. Yes. Yes! YES!" I screamed out. "She said yes." Bruno said on TV & everyone there starting cheering. Even his Hooligans. I was jumping around in my room. I was so happy.

Bruno called me again, "Lor?"


"So does this mean-" I cut him off. "Official? Yes Bruno!" I said smiling ear to ear. I'm on my way home, but my Hooligans wanna come too, if that's okay with you." Bruno asked me. "It's alright, remember, it's your house, not mine." I said giggling. "But remember what I told you, mi casa, tu casa Lor." I just laughed out loud.


20 minutes later, Bruno got here, I could see his car, but the first thing I saw was his Hooligans coming out, running towards the door. They knocked crazily. I opened. They all attacked me I was on the floor being squished by the Hooligans. "Guys! Get off her! She's so small & delegate! You're gonna kill her!" I heard Bruno screaming. "Haaaa! We got the first hug as her being your official girlfriend" yelled Phil. The guys all laughed.

Bruno came to me & gave me flowers & chocolate & a bear hug & lifted me off my feet literally & spun me around.

I was so happy, I had Bruno & all his friends loved me. "Does this mean you guys could explain to me what you guys did to Bruno the other day?" I asked.


I'm going to update the next chapter in a while, Chapter 6 & 7 are Valentine's Day edition.

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