Chapter 13: New Guy

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Lorena's P.O.V

I woke up to rain pounding against the window. It was 4 A.M & I decided to just lay down on Bruno's bed while his grip around my waist loosened.

An hour later or so, I went to the kitchen & made Bruno some biscuits, eggs & bacon. It was still raining though. I ate my breakfast & went to the couch & just stared at the window, looking at the droplets of rain.

Moments later I felt warms hands on my face, covering my eyes. "Baby?" I asked. "Damn, you don't get scared anymore don't you?" he said giggling. "I do." We giggled. "Lorena, your face is cold!" he said & started putting his hands on my face so I could get warm. "Bruno!" I yelled giggling. He then went to eat his breakfast while I laid on the couch.

The living room was in complete silence, the only thing I heard was the rain hit against the window.

"So your birthday is coming up, what would you like?" Bruno asked all of a sudden. "Nothing Bruno it's fine, I don't want anything big like your valentine's gift." I giggled.

"Oh if you thought that was big-" Bruno started but I cut him off. "Bruno, nothing huge, alright?" I said.

"But-" Bruno was cut off again. "Brunooo." I said with a warning face. "Alright babe." Bruno said standing up & laying down next to me on the couch & giving me a peck on the lips.

"So, you like any sports?" Bruno asked changing the conversation. "Football." I answered. "So you saw my Superbowl halftime performance?" he asked.

"Oh no sorry, I meant soccer, I'm just use to calling it football because of my Latin side, but yeah I did see it." I smiled.

"What team?" he asked. "FCB, Barcelona basically." I said.

"Oh alright, alright." he said with a smile on his face. It looked like he was up to something. "What's up with the smile?" I asked sitting up.

"Oh, just thinking about something." he said sitting up, getting close to me. "What's that something?" I asked.

"You." he said & looked at me in the eyes, then my lips. Our faces inches apart.

"I think I've fallen for you, hard." Bruno said.

Then we locked lips. He then started standing up, I stood up too while we were still kissing.

"I've already been thrown." I said.

He smiled. "You mean like this?" he threw me against the wall & got close to me, leaving no space in between us.

"Yeah, you can say that." I said looking into his eyes, smiling. He then put his hands on my hips & his lips went straight to mines. I let my arms swing around him.

"Be mine forever." Bruno said looking into my eyes.

"That's a promise I won't break." I said smiling. Then I went for his lips.

It was for a while. From time to time we would both smile while kissing or giggling a bit. "Umm, Bruno." I said in between kisses. "Yes." He answered back, but then went back to kissing me. I broke the kiss. "I'm off vacation, I need to go to work today." I said.

"Oh no, stay here babe, call in sick or something. I want you here." He said with those big brown eyes looking at me. "Babe, I'd like to, but I can't I asked for a way too long vacation. I need to go or I'll lose my job. Also today I gotta work late." I said. Bruno groaned. "Alright, I'll take you."

"Alright, I'll go get showered, thanks." I said smiling. "Can I join?" Bruno said smiling. "Of course!" I said & he started smiling. "Not." I said giggling. Bruno's smile dropped. "Oh, you got me there, but I'll get there, don't worry." He said winking.

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