Chapter 11: Miracals

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Bruno's P.O.V

I heard someone burst into the doors, I didn't know if Lorena had killed her self or not. "Lorena no!" I heard someone scream. I could tell it was Phil's voice.

Lorena's P.O.V

The Hooligans entered, I tried jumping. My legs were hanging, but Jamareo grabbed my arms. "Guys, help me out here. I got her arms." They all came & helped him carry me back in the room. "Lorena, why did you try to do that!  You promised us you wouldn't!" yelled Phil. "You had us worried sick, thank goodness for Jamareo who  grabbed you before you fell!"

They all kept arguing. I just turned around & sat right next to Bruno. "Bruno, I need you alive, you are a part of me I can't lose." I said crying. The guys just stayed quiet, looking at me & Bruno.

I took Bruno's hand.

Bruno's P.O.V

I was hearing everything that was going on. Then Lorena came to me & started asking me to wake up. I wish I could show her I am. I tried my best to open my eyes. Nothing happened.

Then she grabbed my hand & I was trying to move my hand, at least grip her hand a little bit.

After a while of trying I finally gripped her hand a little bit.

Lorena's P.O.V

I was holding Bruno's hand, when all of a sudden, I feel a little grip on my hand. I stopped crying completely. I looked at the boys with a shocked face. "What, what happened?" asked Eric. "Bruno, he, he, he-" I got cut off. "He what?" said the boys in unison.

"He gripped my hand a little bit! He's okay! He's alive! Oh my God, Bruno!" I said while jumping out of my chair into his hospital bed. I started kissing his face every where, I was so euphoric.

"I'll go call a doctor!" yelled Phil.

I kept kissing him on his face every where.

"He's here!" yelled Phil. It didn't stop me from kissing Bruno though. "Ms. Cruz, we need you to get off Mr. Mars." said the doctor. I didn't listen, I kept kissing his face. "Don't worry, I got this." said Phil, & carried me off Bruno where my face was facing his back.

"Let me go! Let me love my baby!" I yelled. I was taken down stairs by Phil. "Calm down & I'll let you  go." said Phil, I calmed down & when Phil let go, I ran.

When I reached the stairs, Phil ran after me & grabbed me. "You remind me of Bruno, you guys never give up." said Phil.

He took me all the way outside. "Wait, what are we doing here?" He didn't answer, he was just looking around. "Phil, let me go, I  need to see Bruno!" I yelled. He then whistle & a taxi came. He opened the door & threw me in. "Farthest destination from here thank you!" yelled Phil to the taxi driver while throwing money at him.

"No wait! Phil! Fuck you Phil!" I yelled.

Phil's P.O.V

I finally got rid of one problem. I laughed to myself. I went back inside & upstairs, heading to Bruno's room. I see the guys outside of the room, sitting on the chairs.

"So what happened guys? Why are you guys outside?" I asked. "They said they were fixing Bruno." said John. "They said he had like a sleeping paralysis, something like that." said Eric. "Oh wow, again?" I asked. "Mhm" said Kameron. "Let's get food!" I yelled. They all got up & we went to the food court.

We all got settled, sitting at a table all together, eating. It was all quiet & peaceful, then Dwayne broke the silence. "What did you do to Lorena?" he asked. "I got rid of her." I said smirking. "Phil. What did you do?" asked James. "Okay fine, I threw her in a taxi & asked the taxi driver to take her to the farther destination from here." I explained.

The guys started to laugh & smack the table & everything. People looked at us like if we animals in the zoo. Their reaction was funny ass hell.


5 hours later, we were waiting upstairs outside of Bruno's room. Then a doctor came out of the room. "You guys are Bruno's friends right?" he asked. We all nodded our heads. "Well come right in!" We walked in to see Bruno up & awake.

Bruno's P.O.V

I see my Hooligans walk in. "Hey guys!" I yelled. "Hey buddy! We missed you!" Phil yelled out. Each of them gave me a hug. "Guys, this is crazy, I was paralysised, but I heard everything from today, ever since Lorena came in this morning." I said. "Oh my God, does that mean he heard-" Phredley got cut off. "Yup!" said Phil.

"Yes I heard Lorena talking about killing her self if I didn't make it, & I also heard her opening the window, about to jump out. Also I heard you guys saving her, thank you guys." I said.

"Well all the other days when you were out, she was a mess, & I don't want to ever see her like that again Bruno. Bruno she went crazy." said Phil. 

I was shocked, but right now, I really need to see Lorena. "Where's Lorena?" I asked. The guys looked at each other. "Hello? Anyone there?" I asked. "Well the thing is-" started Phil, but was cut off by me. "Did she kill herself!?" I screamed nervously.

"No, no, she didn't. When she felt the grip you gave her, she got crazy & started kissing your face." said Jamareo. "Oh! That's who was kissing me." I said.

"Yeah, let me continue. Well she wouldn't get off so Phil carried her into a taxi and-" I cut him off. "Where did you sent her Phil?" I asked, knowing Phil would be crazy enough to do anything.

"Well I don't know." He said scratching the back of his head. "What do you mean?! What the hell did you tell the taxi driver?!" I yelled nervously. "Well I just said farthest destination from here." Phil.said.

I started to get out of the hospital bed. "Woah, woah buddy, where you going?" asked Eric, getting in my way. "I'm going to find Lorena." I said. "No can do! We'll find her, stop worrying, it's bad for you, lay down, we got chu!" yelled Phredely in confidence. I gave Phredely a "don't fuck with me" look & settled in bed & calmed down.

Lorena's P.O.V

Phil sent me in a taxi, but I asked the taxi driver to take me back for some extra cash. I was headed to the hospital to see my baby.

I start getting a phone call. I check the caller ID & it was Phredley. "Hello? Phredley?" I answered. "Where you at?" He said. "Heading to the hospital, tell Phil thanks a lot." I said , hanging up.


Half an hour later I got to the hospital & rushed directly to Bruno's room. I walked in & the Hooligans & Bruno were there, except this time, Bruno was awake.

"Oh my God, Bruno! You're awake!" I said jumping on him. "Uff! Lorena that hurts." said Bruno. I didn't get off, I wasn't done hugging him or kissing him. "Lorena, please." he said softly. I still wan't done. "Phil!" he screamed. "Okay, I'm off, I'm not up for that again." I said getting off. The boys started laughing.

"I'm going to go ask the doctor when you can get out of here, alright?" I said. I went to open the door but the doctor was right there. "Oh hey doctor." I said smiling. "I have a question, when can Bruno come home?" I said. "Lorena, he'll be able to go home in about one or two weeks, depends on how he is next week." she said. "Thank you so much!" I said.

"So, one or two weeks huh." said Bruno. "Yup." I said. I decided to stay tonight with Bruno, just to keep him company.

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