Chapter 12: Family

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*a month later*


Lorena's P.O.V

I just woke up from bed, Bruno's here in my house this time. I slid out of bed without waking Bruno.

I got my clothes & went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. I put the liquid soap & waited for the bubbles to appear. As soon as they did, I took off my robe & went inside. I decided to listen to some of Bruno's music from his new album, "Unorthodox Jukebox".

I guess he heard because a soon as "Treasure" came on, I heard him sing along.

Then I heard the door knob turn. Bruno walked in. "Bruno! I'm taking a bath!" I yelled while getting some of the soap bubbles & covering myself.

"Can I join?" he said winking and taking off his shirt only up to his v-line. "Just kidding, I'm gonna brush my teeth, don't worry." he said grabbing his toothbrush.

He started brushing his teeth & I continued listening to music. I decided to close my eyes to let my imagination flow.

A while later, it got quiet. I open my eyes to see Bruno sitting on a little chair in the bathroom, just staring at me. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a little something here on your lips, here let me get it." he said while getting closer & grabbing my face & kissing my lips gently.

It was a make out session for a while, then I cut it off. "Okay, that's it pretty boy, I'm gonna get done, remember today we're gonna go visit my family." I said. "Aww, I was having fun." Bruno said with puppy eyes.

"Bruno don't look at me with those eyes." I said looking away. "Lorena." Bruno said. "Not looking." I said. "Lorenaaaaa." he said. I still didn't look. He got closer to me & whispered in my ear: "Don't worry, I'll get you later." I looked at him & he winked over at me.

After a while, I finished my shower & I put my clothes on & walked out to my bedroom.

Bruno was sleeping again. "Bruno wake up & shower, we gotta leave soon." He didn't wake up. "Brunooooo." I said starting to get worried. "Bruno not again please!" I yelled, shaking him, he didn't move or anything.

I faced my back to Bruno to look at the window & took my phone out to call 911. As soon as I got to the dial pad, someone grabbed me from behind & covered my mouth. I wasn't just gonna stand there, I tried fighting back.

I kicked my foot backward to kick him, but he blocked it. Then I was carried, eyes covered & thrown to my bed. Someone got on top of me. I got very worried, I thought I was about to get raped. Then my eyes were uncovered by the mysterious man.

"Bruno! You asswipe! You scared me!" I screamed smacking his chest. "Boo." Is all he said. "Get off me bitch." I said looking one way. "Awwwww, is someone mad? Did I scare you that good?" he said smirking. "Yes, now get off, I'm mad at you." I said.

"We're not leaving this house until you're not mad at me." Bruno said. "Well I guess we're gonna stay here forever." I said crossing my arms. Then my phone started ringing. I went to reach for it, but Bruno grabbed my arms & put them on top of my head & grabbed it.

"Oh look who it it." Bruno said turning the phone to my direction. I read: Mom. "Bruno, you better not answer the-" It was took late, he picked up & put it on speaker.

"Hello," he said. "Who is this?" my mom said. "Lorena's boyfriend." said Bruno smirking at me. "Lorena has a boyfriend? HAHAHAHA." my mom started to laugh.

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