Chapter 2: Bruno's Place

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*A night later*

Lorena's P.O.V

"Come Lorena we're gonna be late for our movies night!" I heard Bruno screaming from downstairs. Bruno & I have been best friend since we were basically in diapers, our families met back at Hawaii. "Coming!" I heard my self screaming. We were out to watch the movie "Spring Breakers" & a bunch of other movies at his place just because I was cool enough to go watch it with him, & because he begged me the whooooole weekend. We hopped in the car to make our way to his house.

"Damn, you're like the bestfriend every guy could imagine having." Bruno stated.

"Don't worry, I really don't stress these type of things, I'm just cool with it, I mean you are my best friend after all, what more can I do?" I smiled back.

He just replied by smiling back & putting the radio on blast.The radio played his new hit, "Gorilla." We were singing all the way to his house.

"YOU & ME BABY MAKING LOVE LIKE GORILLAS!" we both screamed from the top of our lungs.

When the song was over we both laughed our asses off.

We hopped out of the car & made our way to the door. "Today is gonna be awesome, I promise you, I got everything, even your favorite... candy." He winked over at me. I just smiled & replied with "thanks Brunz, you're the best." & hugged him.

"Come on, sit on over here, make yourself comfy, mi casa, tu casa" He winked at me. "Alright don't mind if I do" I winked back at him.

Bruno's P.O.V

"Damn, she's so pretty, how can I ever get her into my arms" I thought. As she started getting the Spring Breakers CD & started putting it into the CD player I stopped her & , "Never mind Lorena, let's watch a scary movie!" She looked back at me & said "But I don't like scary movies, they scary the hell outta me." I start to think with a smirk. "Oh my gosh, this is the way! When she gets really scared she'll jump into my arms & I'll be the one holding her!"

As I get on Netflix, I tell her, "don't worry, it won't be that scary, you'll be okay." "Okay, but don't blame me when I have to end up sleeping here cause I don't like being alone after watching this type of shit." she exclaimed. I just smiled & picked Insidious.

"ARE YOU CRAZY, THAT IS TOO SCARY, UH UH, NOT FOR ME, NOT TODAY, NOT TOMORROW, NOT EVER! GOOD BYE!" she screamed getting up & heading for the door.

"No please watch it with me, best friend, don't leave me alone, remember when I went to that ballet back when we were 14 just for you! Get your ass here." I stated. She grunted & just jumped right back onto the couch right next to me. "I'm only doing this for you cause I love you best friend." She said. "YAAAAAY!" I jumped up & hugged her.


"We were 20 minutes into the movie & nothing scary yet, c'mon! I want Lorena in my arms already." I thought to myself sadly. "A creepy lady pops up screaming & Lorena jumps into my arms & digs her face into my neck.

"Bruno is it done?" she asked me screaming. "Yes." I said even though she was still on the screen. "FUCK YOU!" she screamed jumping into my arms again & digging her face into my neck even harder.

This is more what I was talking about, I got the girl of my dream right here all curled up into my arms. More screaming came out with more scary scenes & all I would tell Lorena was, "Look, they maybe screaming, but I swear it isn't scary." Even though it was & her reaction would be punching me on the arm & jumping on me even more.

We were only 40 minutes into the movie & she was already all on top of me, with her face still on my neck.

Lorena's P.O.V

"I decided to watch a scary movie with Bruno because he begged me & now I'm here scared to death, all wrapped around him & all I hear is him laughing so hard." I though to myself. As the movie finished, I was so grateful to make it through the movie.

"Goodness I'm glad we made it through the movie." I exclaimed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" he yelled laughing. "YOU WERE... YOU WERE," he was trying to explain himself while laughing. "In my arms the whole time screaming & shivering, I could even feel the goosebumps you had!" he explained to me. "Shut up." I said all red. He giggled.

"Well, it's 2 AM, do you want to keep on watching movie, talk about something, do anything here?" he offered. "Maybe we should go to sleep, anyways, don't you have the practice with the boys tomorrow?" I asked him "Fuck 'em, we could continue doing anything you'd like." he said. "Nah let's sleep" I told him.

He took me to the guestroom & showed me the bed & covered me. "Goodnight best friend." he smiled at me. "Goodnight best friend." I smiled back. He left the guestroom & went to his room to go to sleep. I closed my eyes & tried to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw that old lady's face from the movie. "omg, please get the fuck outta my head, I need sleep." I thought to my self. Three minutes passed by & I couldn't handle it anymore. I stood up & went to Bruno's room.

"Hey Bruno, you awake?" I asked him quietly. He turned around & replied by opening his eyes surprised. "Yeah, I'm awake, you need something Lor?" he asked me. "Yeah, um, can I..." I started but couldn't finish. "Yesssss?" Bruno waited. "Can I sleep over at your room tonight, I just can't get that lady's face from the movie outta my head." I finally finished.

Bruno smiled & said "Sure best friend, come over here." As he scooted over to have space for me. "Yaaaay, thanks Brunz." I exclaimed while jumping on into his bed. I made myself comfy enough to get some sleep. I'm just thinking here what a nice best friend I have until I knock out.

Bruno's P.O.V

Finally, I got her right here by my side. As she was falling asleep, I grabbed her from behind. I closed my eyes & couldn't stop thinking of her. While I was thinking of her, I finally knocked out.

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