Chapter 9: Hooligans Come In

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Lorena's P.O.V

"Lorena Cruz?" asked the doctor. I looked up to him.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news." he said. "What happened?" I stood up from my chair quickly. "Well come inside & take a look." he said. I walked in. There was Bruno lying on the hospital bed, looking life less, with a needle sticking out of his arm  & a breathing mask on.

I started to cry hard. "Is he... Is he-" I started crying harder. "Honey don't worry. He's not dead." he replied to me. I just kept looking at Bruno. Then I looked at the heart monitor & his heart beat was still going.

"Then what's wrong with him doctor? Tell me please." I asked, still crying. "Bruno has fallen into a coma Ms. Cruz."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This isn't possible, it couldn't be. I was so shocked, I didn't believe it.

"No! That isn't true! Don't mess around with me doctor, this is all a game. Bruno isn't in a coma. Camera guys come out already! I'm not falling for this!" I said as I reached for Bruno & started shaking him.

"Wake up Bruno! Wake up! Please!" I started to cry hard now. "Lorena please calm down, no one is messing around with you. Please calm down, sit over there in the chair, you don't even have to leave the room. Call someone to be with you if you'd like." the doctor said while trying to calm me down.

I sat down & the doctor left. I was just looking at Bruno. I couldn't believe it.

I grabbed my phone & dialed Phil, since no one in my family knew Bruno & I were dating.

"Hello? Lorena?" he said "Phil! I need to talk with you." I said softly. "Lorena, are you crying? What happened? What's going on?" he asked nervously. "Phil, tell the Hooligans to come to the hospital, it's Bruno, I'll explain when you get here."

I hung up & waited for the Hooligans to get here.


I waited downstairs for the Hooligans to arrive. A few seconds later I see their call pull up. "Lorena! What happened, where's Bruno?!" Phil yelled. "Follow me." I said & lead they to the elevator.

As soon as we got to the floor Bruno was on, I lead them to the door. "Before I let you guys in, I'm gonna tell you what happened & before I tell you guys what happened, promise me not to yell, scream, or anything, please, there's other people on this floor besides Bruno. Promise me." I said "We promise." The Hooligans said in unison.

"Well, you know how Bruno has been sick these past days right?" They nodded their heads. "Well yesterday morning, I decided to make him breakfast in bed. As soon as I got back up stairs to his room, I called him to wake up. He didn't move or anything. So I called 911. They got here & took him & fixed him, I was able to talk to him. They said he has sleeping paralysis."

"So he's alright now, right?" Asked James. "Not exactly." I replied. They all looked at me with shocked faces. Then Phil was trying to go for the door. "Wait!" I said blocking the door way. "I'm not finished with my story."

I continued. "So he told me to go home & I refused. Then I asked him if he needed anything & he told me to get him food & I went down stairs to the food court to get food." I started crying a little bit.

"Then as I was coming back up stairs, I see doctors running to his room. I panicked & asked what was happening. The said he blacked out & they were trying to save him."

Jamareo came to me & said: "Did you say 'they were trying to save him?' As in he could of died?!" He said screaming. "Yes! Let me finish, stop yelling, you're gonna make me cry even more."  I said.

"Then I spent the whole night here & slept on that chair." I said pointing to the chair. "Then I woke up, ate & the doctor told me there was bad news..." I stopped the story there & started to cry, cry hard & I fell to the floor.

The guys grabbed me & sat me down on the chair. "Lorena, what happened? Please tell us." said Kameron. I tried to explain, but I couldn't, there was a knot on my throat. Then Phil grabbed me, tearing up & said: "Please don't tell me he-" I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth & I nodded my head no.

The Hooligans started crying. Then Eric came to me. "Please try to say it, I'm his brother man." Eric said while crying.

I grabbed a paper on the table & a pen in my purse. I wrote: Before I write it, please don't freak out, or burst into the door, or grab or shake him, please.

They nodded their head. I wrote: Bruno is in a coma.

They all gave me shocked faces. I finally stopped crying just enough to be able to talk. "Would you guys like to see him?"

They just stood up. I open the door. They all saw Bruno. Their face drooped down even more. I just started crying, I fell to the floor again. Phil grabbed me & started to hug me. "Lorena, please, please calm down." he whispered to me.

"No, no! I can't I know me & Bruno have been dating for about a week, but I'm just so heart broken by the news, I can't handle it anymore. Just kill me, kill me now! Let me jump, I'll just jump out of this window!" I said as I broke free from Phil's hug & went for the window in the room.

I managed to open it, but Kameron & James grabbed me before I could jump. "Lorena no! Killing your self isn't an option! We're not allowing it!" said Kameron "And I don't think Bruno would be happy if you did this." said James "After all, what happens if Bruno does survive this?" said Phil.

"Okay, fine, I won't kill myself or anything... Maybe." I said. The Hooligans looked at me with a warning face. "Okay, fine, I won't at all. I'm going to pray all day & all night long & I'm gonna come visit every day until Bruno's okay. & you guys better do the same." I said. "No worries we will." said Phredly.

"Can I have a moment with Bruno alone, please." I asked, they nodded & left the room.

I came next to Bruno. "Bruno please wake up, fight the coma, don't let it win." I started crying a bit. I started praying. I kissed Bruno on the check & left the room. I told the hooligans I was leaving to my house. 


Thank you guys all for over 100 reads! I'll be posting next Saturday! See you Hooligans later c;

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