Chapter 3: Uh-Oh.

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*Next morning*

Lorena's P.O.V

I saw the sunlight hit my face, I was sleepy, so I didn't let me bother me. Then I start noticing big strong arms around me. I finally start waking up from that really long night, when I notice, Bruno & I were cuddling! I tried getting out of it to get myself to work, but I just couldn't budge out of his strong grip on me. I felt stuck there, no way out.

I tried again, so I moved to one side & tried to slide out, but he ended up moving to a side a grabbing me from behind. It kinda felt good cuddling with my best friend but no, I don't wanna ruin the friendship, he probably likes some other girl there, I'm just his best friend, I'll always be stuck in the friend-zone. I tried getting out of the bed again. I managed to move one arm. After moving the first one, I almost moved the other one, but he gripped both his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

I turned to him, he was smiling while sleeping. Awww, his smile is too cute. "Bruno, Bruuuuno, Brunz." I called him. "Shh, shhh." He said, trying to cuddle with me even more. "Bruno! Wake up, I gotta go to work, I'm gonna be late!" I yelled out.

He was finally opening his eyes. He sees that he's all over me. "Oh my God, Lorena, I'm soooo sorry, I didn't mean to..." I cut him off, "It's okay Bruno, I gotta get to work now, I gotta get dressed eat breakfast, everything."

"I'll make pancakes & bacon!" He yelled out. It's like he could read my mind or something, that's why he's my best friend. I went to the bathroom & brushed my teeth. When I was finished, I got some clothes I had left here in Bruno's house the last time I came for a sleep over. I started taking off my clothes & that just happens to be at the same time Bruno walked in. "Breakfast is reaaa-" he said but was cut off by my screaming. "Brunooooo, I'm changing! Get out!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I just wanted to... Lorena sorry."

"No! Get out!" I yelled out. "Okay, sorry best friend." He said leaving the room sadly. I think I was too harsh on him. I finally finished getting dressed & went down stairs. I see Bruno serving my breakfast & placing it on the table. I went up to him & said "Sorry best friend, for screaming at you." I said frowning at him. "It's okay, I should of knocked." He smiled backed & hugged me. I hugged him back. I went to sit down & he sat down & ate his breakfast too.

As I finished, he asked me, "So, do I cook or what?" I giggled & replied back, "It's was delicious Bruno, thank you, but now I gotta head to work, see ya later best friend." I got my purse & headed for the door. "Wait! I could take you." Bruno yelled. "Alright, you know where it is right?" I asked. "Of course!" He yelled back & grabbed his keys. We both went outside & got into his car. It was really quiet through out the whole ride especially with everything that happened today, The cuddling in bed, the walking in while I was changing.

We finally got there & I got out of the car. "Sorry about today Lorena." Bruno said while scratching the back of his head. "It's okay, & by the way, thanks for the ride." I smiled at him, he smiled back. I got into the building.

Bruno's P.O.V

As Lorena walks into the building, I can't stop looking at her, until she completely disappears into the crowd. I drive off to my house. About thirty minutes later I finally get to my house & just throw myself on my bed, thinking about her. "What's wrong with me? I just wake up cuddling with her? It just felt right though, It's like I've been wanting to." I wonder loudly. "... and then just walk in on her, half naked." but she was perfect. I just wanted to explore her, & read her mind, through her lips. I just can't stop thinking of her.

Well in about an hour I need to go to practice with the boys. So I decided to make myself some lunch, some lazy lunch. I cooked myself mac and cheese. I ate it up, & then got dressed & headed out the door to my car.


I had finally got there. The boys all looked at me with a smirk. I look at Phil & I see him trying to hold back on laughing. "You didn't." I looked at Phil. "Sorry Bruno, I had too, it's the Hooligans." He explained to me. I was just standing there, blushing so hard, I felt my face was gonna explode. "Come on Bruno, let's practice a few & then talk about your girl problem, cause that's what you need right?" Said Dwayne, while all the guys were holding in their laughter. "Shut up." I said quietly, scratching the back of my head. We practiced all of the songs in the new album, ''Unorthodox Jukebox.''

"That's a wrap y'all!" I yelled. I was hoping that they forgot about the "girl problem" situation. "Let's go home guys!" I yelled out, trying to get out of there as quickly as possible. As I head for the door, I grab the handle & I hear Phredley yelling, "Bruno, what about your girl problem!" Then all the guys turned around saying, "Yeah, we almost forgot!"

Fuuuuuuuck my life, they remembered. "About that... umm yeah, got to go." I said trying to get a handle of the door knob, but then Phil & Kameron got a hold of my arms, Phil my right, Kameron my left. They sat me down in a chair & asked me to explain, they all seemed so interested. "Well, there's this girl named Lorena & she's been my best friend since we were very little & you know... got to go."

I said as I tried to dash for the door again, but as my right arm reached for the door, James grabbed my right arm & Phil grabbed my left arm. They carried me all the way to the chair again, but this time I hear Phil saying, "grab the tape..."

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