Chapter 17: Practice With The Boys

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Lorena's P.O.V

I'm heading back to the table & the guys are still eat, man can they eat. I sit right back down, then my phone starts ringing, it's Bruno.

"Hey baby." I said. "Lorena where are you?" he asked. "At the dinner, remember you told me you weren't gonna go, you were too tired." I said. "Come back now!" he scram. "Excuse me? Who are you screaming at like that & what happens if I don't wanna go?" I said.

"Lorena, you better come back, I don't want you doing anything silly with those soccer player." He said. "No, I'm having more fun here & gaining more respect from people here than what you're giving me right now. I can't believe you. You can't trust me? Well then I really don't wanna talk with you & don't come looking for me because I don't wanna see you, jerk!" I scram, all the players got quiet & looked up to me.

"Where are you gonna  sleep Lorena? Huh?" he asked. "I'll find somewhere to sleep I don't care if it's on the streets, as long as I don't have to see you at these moments." I scram & hung up the phone.

I felt the tears coming to my eyes. "Excuse me." I said & got up from my chair & ran to the bathroom.

Messi's P.O.V

Lorena ran to the bathroom. "Hey, do you see that? Destiny." said Pique. "Yup right when we want her, her boyfriend & her had an argument." said Dani. "Guys, don't take advantage of her, she just had an argument with her boyfriend, they didn't break up." I said. "I dibs on checking on her, called it!" said Neymar. "Damn it!" scram Pique & Dani.

Lorena's P.O.V

I was crying & looking at my self in the bathroom mirror, when I see Neymar enter. "Everything alright?" he asked.

"No, horrible." I said. "Come on, I'll be your shoulder to cry on." he said & put my head on his shoulder.

I started crying even harder because that's what Bruno would say.

"Everything's gonna be alright & you can sleep over at my house if you'd like." said Neymar. I just kept crying into his shoulders.

"He doesn't deserve your tears Lorena, you are so much more than him." I got off his shoulder & look at him face to face. "You're such a sweet heart Neymar. When I saw you for the first time playing I knew you were a sweet person, but now that I know you, you're sweeter than I thought."

"Because a person like you deserves better." he said smiling. "Thank you Neymar." I said.

Then I realized in the position I am in. I'm in Neymar's arms, but there was something that didn't make me move away. Then our eyes connected. Our faces were getting closer & closer. My heart told me to stop, but my mind told me to keep going. Then our noses started touching.

At that moment Dani & Pique walked in. "What's going on here?" They asked. "Nothing, I'm just about to get washed up & go back out there for desert." I said quickly getting off Neymar & going back to the sink & washing my face.

"We'll let you get washed up, we'll wait for you out there." said Pique.

"I'll stay." said Neymar.

"All of us." said Dani & then they all left.

Messi's P.O.V

"What happened in there?" I asked. "Neymar was about to kiss with her!" scram Pique. "Good thing we walked in there in time." said Dani.

"I was so close, I had her right there in my arms, falling for me, about to kiss me & you guys had to walk in." said Neymar madly.

Lorena walked out of the bathroom & back to the table.

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