Chapter 22: Goodbye Treasure...

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Bruno's P.O.V

The people were still saying words about Lorena, I was just here crying with the company of Lorena's parents & Emilio.

I still can't believe what's happening & now I have to explain to Lorena's family what really happened.

"Okay, start explaining." said Lorena's dad, Frankie.

"Well, let me get started." I said, gulping.

Lorena's P.O.V

So I finally arrive to my destination on the floor, with a huge headache. "Hello Lorena." said a familiar voice.

I turn around to see the person I didn't think I would see. "Bearnie?!" I scram.

It was Bruno's mom. "Hello Lorena, I've been waiting for you, I've heard so much about you." she said.

"Bruno talked about me?" I asked. "Of course." she said. That made my cheeks light up a bit.

"I've been watching you guys since I left, I knew you guys would end up together. I see you guys are having problems. Don't worry, you guys will fix it soon, I promise that." she said.

"But it's too late, he probably thinks that I don't love him anymore there's no way to fix this problem & now he's there with a broken heart not knowing what happened." I said disappointed.

"Bruno knows you love him, he knows." she said hugging me.

"But-" I said & got cut off. "Well that's all my time." she said letting go & backing away. "Wait Bernie!" I yelled.

Then everything went into the time traveling scene & she was no longer visible.

Bruno P.O.V

"Well it was her birthday & I decided to take her to Barcelona to see her favorite soccer team in play, FCB. We got here & then those two, " I said pointing to Neymar & Pique.

"took her to meet the team mates & everything. Then they invited her to dinner for their victory & I decided not to go. After a while I called her & she started screaming at me and-" I got cut off.

"Son tell me the truth before I make it come out of you." said Frankie crumbling him fist.

I gulped really hard. "Alright, I started screaming at her." I said. "I thought so, continue." said Frankie.

"I started screaming at her because I told her to come back to the hotel, but she refused & I knew that she had an obsession with the soccer team & I thought she might of done something with them & fool around and-" I got cut off again.

"Bruno," said Lorena's mom, Jessica, face palming.

"I know, I'm stupid, let me finish the story." I said.

"Well then she slept over at Neymar's place." I said pointing to him. "And that night, they had slept in the same bed & she kissed him, but I didn't know that I figured out a few days ago." I said, frowning.

"Continue." said Frankie.

"Then, the next day, I called her again & we talked & stuff." I said, not wanting to say what actually happened. I guess Frankie noticed because he got closer to me.

"Tell me what the conversation consisted of." he said lowly. "Stuff..." I said gulping. Then he stood up in front of me ready to do something that I didn't want him to.

"Okay fine! I'll tell you, just sit down please." I said. "Well I was screaming at her because I didn't know she went to Neymar's house & then I accidentally..." I said but got quiet. "Yes?" said Jessica.

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