Chapter 8: Oh No

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*A week later*

Lorena's P.O.V

I was in Bruno's house, we were chilling, cuddling in bed. He was sleeping, but I didn't want to wake him up, besides, he looks really cute while sleeping. He's been really sick these past days. I decided to surprise him with breakfast in bed.

I got up quietly, trying not to wake him up. He turned to me, still sleeping & smiled. His smile was too cute. I went downstairs & cooked some pancakes, bacon & decided to make him chocolate milk. I put them all in on a tray & went to his room where he was still sleeping him.

"Bruno, Bruno honey, wake up." I said softly. He didn't wake up.

"Bruno wake up honey." I said closer. He didn't wake up, he didn't move & it sure looked like he wasn't breathing. I started panicking. I put the tray on the table next to the bed. "Bruno wake up, please!" I screamed while holding him. "Bruno! Please!" I started shaking him. I went to check his pulse on his neck & it didn't seem right.

I started crying. I went to my phone & dialed 911.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?"

"911! My boyfriend isn't waking up! I need help! I need a hospital! I need an ambulance! I need my baby to be safe! I don't want it to end like this!" I sobbed.

"Don't worry we'll be right on our way."

I put my phone away & I went straight to Bruno & I was holding him. "Please Bruno, please. I don't want it to end like this. Please wake up!" I yelled. I started to pray.

The ambulance finally got here & they took Bruno into the ambulance car. "Can I come too?" I managed to say, still crying. "Sure, hop in." said one of the guys.

"Can you please cover him or something when we get there? I don't want paparazzi coming for Bruno." I asked. "Sure, no problem." Replied the guy.

We finally got there & they rushed Bruno to a room. I ran right after them. Then a man stopped me. 

"Sorry ma'am, your can't go pass here, you can wait right out here until I advice you." said the doctor. "Oh alright, I'll wait as long as it takes." I replied.

One hour passed.




Finally, 12 hours passed, it was 10:03 P.M. "Ms. Cruz?" said the doctor. "Yes?" I replied. "Would you like to see Mr. Mars?" he asked, I didn't even reply, I jumped out of my chair & he understood.

I went in. Bruno was on the hospital bed. He had a needle sticking out of his arm. He looked so sad.

"Oh my God! Bruno! You're okay! Oh my God! I thought something bad was gonna happen to you. I thought you weren't gonna wake up. Oh my God, you scared me! Don't ever scare me like that again!" I yelled while going to hug him.

Bruno P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital bed when I see Lorena crying & hugging me. She looked like a mess. I feel so bad. "What happened? Why am I here? What caused this?" I asked Lorena. "Well, I woke up from us cuddling, then I went to make you breakfast in bed. When I came with the breakfast, I tried waking you up & you wouldn't wake up. Then I called 911 & here we are." she explained.

"Well what happened to me?" I asked "Well Mr. Mars, it seems here that you had a sleeping paralysis." Explained the doctor. "Wow, I didn't even feel awake." I said surprised. "Is he going to be okay?" asked Lorena. "Yes, he'll be able to go home tomorrow morning." said the doctor, walking out.

"Princess, I'm okay, see? Stop worrying, I'll be out by tomorrow morning. I didn't want to scare you like that, I didn't mean to okay? Go home, I'll see you tomorrow." I told Lorena.

"No, I'm not leaving you here, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I'm staying here. You need anything? Anything at all? I'm here." she exclaimed.

"Can you get me food? I'm hungry, I haven't eaten the whole day." I asked. She replied my nodding & heading out of the door.

I was waiting for Lorena to get my food, when all of a sudden, everything went black.

Lorena's P.O.V

I went to get Bruno food. I went to the food court in the hospital. I got him healthy things because I wasn't gonna give him junk food at the hospital, but I got myself pizza.

I walk back to his room & I see a bunch of doctors running into Bruno's room. "What happened?! What's happening to Bruno!? I need answers now!" I yelled out, on the verge to cry. One doctor turned around to me & replied, "Ms. Cruz, Bruno blacked out, we're trying to save him now." I got surprised. "Wait, are you saying there's a possibility that Bruno-" I was cut off by him. "We are not sure Ms. Cruz, please we'll advise you when everything's okay." said the doctor.

I started to cry, cry hard. A female doctor came to me. "Honey, everything is going to be alright, sit down please, eat your food, we're gonna do our best to save his life. Have faith, hope & confidence, okay dear?" I nodded my head. I started to eat my pizza.

Hours passed. Still nothing. I decided to eat Bruno's food too, that's how nervous I was.

More hours passed. It was 3 A.M. I decided to sleep on the hospital chairs that I was waiting on.



I woke up at 11 A.M.

I was hungry so I went to the food court for breakfast. I ate pancakes, bacon & chocolate milk, just like what I was gonna give Bruno. As soon as I finished. I decided to stay there for a while & scroll through my phone.

I get a phone call from my mom. "Lorena, Lorena!" she yelled. "Yes?" I asked. "When are you going to come visit your father & I?" she asked. "Soon mom, maybe next week, maybe this week, it all depends." I replied. "Okay, I really want to see you darling. Talk to you later, bye." she hung up.

I went back to my chair, waiting for the doctors.

"Lorena Cruz?" asked the doctor. I looked up to him.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news." he said...

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