Chapter 15: Biggest Surpise

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Bruno's P.O.V

 It's Lorena's birthday today & I'm in her house with the spare keys I found under the mat. I got her the biggest surprise ever. She might get mad because she told me nothing big, but I had to & she's gonna be so happy. Right now I'm making her breakfast in bed, she's still asleep.

I got the pancakes done & the scrambled eggs & the cup of chocolate milk & I put it in a plate & went to her room. "Wake up baby, happy birthday." I said softly. "Huh, what? Bruno? How did you get in here?" She asked. "No time for questions, here, eat your breakfast, we got lots to do today." I said setting the plate on her lap. "But-" I cut her off & started serving the breakfast to her.

"Here." I said shoving the pancakes in her mouth. "Bruno." she said with her mouth full of pancakes. "Shh, shh. Don't talk with your mouth full, here eat, I got suit cases, for your stuff," I said while dragging the suitcases in her bedroom. "You gotta pack today, we leave at night, I'll help you, I already have my stuff packed." She finished eating her pancakes quickly. "Wait Bruno where are we going?" She asked.

"Surprises are never to be revealed until the right time comes." I said with a smile. "Now eat." I said. She rolled her eyes & continued eating her scrambled eggs & chocolate milk. "Bruno, I told you, I don't want nothing big for my birthday." She said. "Don't worry about it." I said winking. "I'm serious Bruno."

After a while, she finished eating & stood up & went for the door. "Wait! I got it, start packing & wear comfy clothing & I got back up clothing that's right for the place we're going." I said taking her plates & heading down stairs.

I washed the plates & the cup & put them back to their places. I ran back up stairs. As I went to open Lorena's door, I remembered what happened the last time.

**FLASHBACK** I had made pancakes & bacon for Lorena but damn. I can't believe we were cuddling! How embarrassing. I went upstairs & opened Lorena's bedroom without knocking. "Breakfast is reaaa-" I said but was cut off by Lorena screaming. "Brunooooo, I'm changing! Get out!" I got out & just went downstairs... (A/N: If you don't remember this scene, go back to chapter 3, the only difference is that it's in Lorena's P.O.V there.)

I knocked the door. "Come in." she yelled. I walked in. "Need help packing?" I asked. "Yup." she said. & So then we started packing, together.


"All done now?" I said. "Yup, I'm just gonna change into these clothes." she said getting her clothing & heading to the bathroom. "Hey where you going?" I asked. "To change?" she said confused. "You can change here, I don't mind." I said smirking. "In your wildest dreams Bruno." She said rolling her eyes smiling. "Hey, don't act like I haven't seen you half naked, twice." I said getting up going towards her.

She backed up until her back hit a wall. I got right in front of her, leaving no space in between us, putting my hands on each of the sides of the walls. Our foreheads were touching. I was about to get what I wanted & she slipped away.

"Come Bruno, we have no time remember?" She said laughing as she ran & grabbed the keys to her bathroom & ran in there. "Hard to get huh? Don't worry I've been training for this game & you know I'm going to win."

It was 8:45 PM & Lorena & I got our bags & entered my limo. "Bruno, I'm warning you, I don't want anything big." She said. "Okay, but I need you to do me a favor, you need to put on these blindfold." I said.

"I'm not liking the sound of this idea." she said. "Just put them on, & promise me, that if you really love me don't take them off, please, please please." I said getting on my knees in the back seat of the limo. "Fine, I promise you." She said grabbing the blindfolds and putting them on. I threw my fist at her to see if she would flinch & to make sure she wasn't looking.

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