Chapter 4: The Time Had Come

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Bruno's P.O.V

"Oh my God, hahahaha, you guys don't have to tape me down, it's okay, I'll tell you it." I said convincinly, trying to plan my escape as quick as possible. "Uh huh, sure, so you could run out on us again? I don't think so little boy." said Phil, holding my arms down to the chair. "I don't see any tape here in the closet." yelled Kameron. Thank goodness they haven't found any tape, maybe they'll leave this for another day & probably forget about it. "I got chu, I'll help you find it." yelled Dwayne in the background.

"Come on guys, we don't have to do this, it's okay, I'll tell you guys another-" I was cut off by Dwayne. "FOUND IT!" he yelled proudly. "FUCK." I yelled out. Phil held on to my arms while Dwayne & Kameron unrolled the tape & tied me to the chair, even my body was tied to the chair, & my legs too.

"Okay Bruno, now you could tell us all happily about your wonderful fairy tale about this girl you call, Lorena." said Jamareo, while all the boys were cracking up, rolling on the floor. I just looked down so they wouldn't see me blushing. "Awwwwww, is the little Bruno Mars blushing?" said Phil while cracking up. "You guys are asses, just tying me up so I could tell you about this girl?" I said. "Bruno, don't take this the wrong way, we all love you, we're just really, REALLY concerned about your fairy tale, that's all." Kameron said smiling while the guys laughed.

"Ughhh, fine! I'll tell you guys everything." I finally said, giving up.


"You guys had a movie night & she was all on top of you? Why?" said Eric. "It was a scary movie & she was really scared." I explained. "...and you had woken up today cuddling with her?" yelled Phil "Then walked in on her half naked?!" yelled James. "Yes, yes, all true, but I didn't mean to do any of those things though." I started. "... but I don't think she likes me back though, I mean she'll probably date someone else other than me." I said sadly.

"Come on Bruno, don't think like that, she probably likes you a lot too, you never know until you ask her out, or you come out to her," explained James. "That's right, but nah, she'll reject me & I'm not ready for rejection, I've liked her ever since I was 25, three damn years." I explained.

There was comments around the room like, "Daaaaamn, Oh my God, Bruno!" I just nodded. "Nah Bruno, you gotta tell her how you feel." said Phil. "Hell no, she's gonna reject me, I'm not ready for that." I yelled.

The guys untaped me from the chair, but they all looked at each other & nodded. "Thank you guys... no, wait, what are you doing?" I said puzzled. They were trying to tape my arms now. I tried to run for it, but Phil grabbed me & Jamareo taped my arms. "Oh c'mon! What now?" I yelled. "We're taking you to Lorena's house." said John.

"Haaaaaaa! You guys don't even know where it is." I yelled in confidence. "Oh really? I could track down where you were when you texted me the day you were at Lorena's house." yelled Phil proudly. Fuck, I had forgoten when I texted Phil in Lorena's house before we left to my house for our movie night.

"Guys, no don't." I said trying to warn them. Eric & Kameron grabbed my arms & were heading outside. All I could do is kick, kick around to see if they would let go. They did in fact let go, but then Jamareo taped my legs together.

They took me into Phil's car, it was big enough for 10 people to fit, so we all fit, but they settled me on the floor. "You guys really are crazy ass hell." I said. They all just laughed & Phil drove on ahead.

Lorena's P.O.V

I had finally got out of work. Thank goodness it was Friday, that mean no work tomorrow. I was walking around looking for a taxi. I was thinking I had left half of all my things in Bruno's house so I decided to text him that I was on his way to his house. "Should I? is he even done with his practice?" I thought to myself, but I just decided to text him, it was 11 PM anyway.

I texted him, & right when I sent it I finally found a taxi. I whistled for it & it came right my way. I hopped in & told the taxi driver Bruno's address & was headed his way.

Bruno's P.O.V

"We're almost there." I heard Phil saying it excitedly. "Guys, stop this shit right now! I'm not ready! I'm not ready! Please! Stop now! I'll run for it! I swear to you!" I yelled out, getting really nervous, then Jamareo put tape on my mouth.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. It was a text message, who could be messaging now? It's kept ringing. Jamareo finally took it out.

"Phil park the car by the sidewalk, it's Lorena." As I heard Jamareo say the last two words, I struggled around on the floor trying to get the phone, but I had no luck. "Fuck! She says she's on her way to Bruno's place, turn this shit around." yelled Jamareo. "Text her back saying 'I just finish practicing with the boys, I'm on my way home.'." said Phil. Then Phil turned the car around & stepped on the gas pedal, heading to my house.

"Mhhh!" I was trying to tell the guys not to go to my house, but I couldn't with this duct tape on my mouth.

Lorena's P.O.V

I finally got to Bruno's place. I paid the taxi driver, & walked to the front of his house. I knocked, to see if he was there. No answer. I checked my phone, & I had gotten a text from him saying "I just finished practicing with the boys, I'm on my way home." I guest I'll just sit here in front of his door. I texted his saying I'm waiting on his front door.

15 minutes had pass already, & I'm still waiting for a reply.

All of a sudden I see Bruno getting out & walking with his Hooligans. They all look at him & say "That's Lorena? Awwwww." I just smiled & blushed, I never knew Bruno talked about me. The part that confused me was when they said 'awwwww' like if he has a crush on me or something. Or maybe it's that I'm so short.

"Bruno remember what we told you." yelled Phil. "Unless you want this to happen all over again & next time it will be worst, we will make sure of it." yelled John.

I was sooooo confused. They finally all left. It was left to Bruno & I. Bruno scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about that, I'll open the door for you." He looked for the keys in his pocket & finally opened the door. we both got inside.

Bruno's P.O.V

"You've got a looooot of explaining to do, I'm so confused Bruno." Lorena said with a confused face...

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