Chapter 3

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The next day I woke up with the sound of my blaring alarm clock which read 6:30AM. I groaned but after a few moments got up anyway. I quickly pressed the snooze button and turned on the lights.

Once my vision adjusted to the light, I walked over to the bunk bed, and climbed over into Jules bed, where she lay with her pillow pressed onto her face, most likely to a desperate attempt to block out the light.

"Wake up, sleepypants! We gotta get ready for work." She gave a loud groan into her pillow and held out her hand extending all her fingers, silently telling me that she wanted at least five more minutes of sleep.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed her pillow, and hit her with it. "OW!" She exclaimed rubbing her head. Yeah right, like a pillow hurts. She sent me a look, but I returned it, and this time I won the glaring contest.

I jumped down from the top bunk, grabbed my uniform, and jumped into the bathroom to take my morning shower.

I did my normal routine, ate a bowl of cereal, and we were able to get out the door by 7:33. Just enough time to get there without getting in trouble, even a bit earlier than usual.

Once again Margaret greeted us at the door, although not as upset and grumpy as usual. She even had a weird smile plastered on her face.

"Why hello, Gabriela, wonderful day today isn't it?" Now I was totally confused. Did I get fired or something??? "Mother wishes to speak with you. She is in the kitchen." And with that she left, leaving me clueless and honestly quite worried.

Jules and I shared a look but went into the kitchen anyway not seeing how we had much choice. The moment I stepped inside I saw Mrs. Moore currently speaking on the phone with someone.

I gestured for Jules to start doing the dishes, and waited patiently by the door, although not without hearing snippets of Mrs. Moores conversation. "Yes that's right..... I have no doubt at least one of them are going to be picked..... Can you even imagine..... I've already ordered the dresses.... Ok, see you Friday.. Don't be late!"

She quickly hung up the phone, looked up, noticing me for the first time. She motioned for me to meet her on the table, and I took a breath and sat down on the opposite side.

"I have a favor to ask you." Ok well obviously it wasn't a favor since I wouldn't really have a choice but I nodded anyway, pretending to be interested, "Both Margaret and Amanda have been given the chance to participate in the selection, Margaret being 18 and Amanda being 17. Anyway on Thursday I want you to pick up the dresses for the both of them, I want you to go with them on Friday to the photoshoot, and make sure that all of their needs are met. Is that understood?"

I hadn't realized that all of the girls in illéa were invited to be a part of the selection, not just a select few. I should have known that Margaret and Amanda would want to enter.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Moore I cannot do that. I have also decided to enter the selection myself so I will be available that day." I tried my best to sound sorry, but I was actually kinda glad that I wouldn't have to run around after all the needs of the annoying sisters.

Suddenly I heard a high pitched laugh come from the corner of the room. I turned to find Margaret laughing excessively as if the thought of me somehow becoming a Princess was hilarious.

"You? Enter into the selection?! That is probably one of the funniest things I've ever heard." She continued her annoying laugh, and I honestly wanted to punch her right there to wipe the smile right off of her face.

I pushed back my chair and stood up, infuriated. "Yes in fact I am! Do you have a problem with that?!" In the corner of my eye I saw Jules give me a small grin, but turned right back to the plate that she was washing.

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