Chapter 14 Part 1

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Hey V-Squad! I know it's been forever since I've updated this but with all the end of year testing and other exams it was pretty hard to find time to be on Wattpad at all let alone write but finally summers here so I plan on updating a lot more frequently from here until I return for the next school year. So without further ado, here is the long awaited chapter 14 (Part 1 lol)...

I didn't get a single wink of sleep that night, desperately trying to tape together the shredded pieces of paper together to no avail. Honestly, it was more of a distraction than anything as I was too afraid of what I would see in my dreams that night, not sure if I could stomach what would no doubt come to haunt me, so I kept myself busy enough that I didn't even see the sun come up the next morning until it was shining through the glass doors that lead to my terris.

With a loud sigh, I carefully placed one of the papers that I had been trying to tape together in the corner of the bed, the rest of the comforter littered with pieces of paper that had been torn out of my songbook and slid out of my bed, the floor freezing under my touch due to the winter weather that was slowly approaching.

Barefoot, I trudged over to the glass doors, my arms folded across my chest in a desperate attempt to keep myself warm, and silently opened one before slipping myself to the other side.

Leaning over the black iron railing, I glanced down at the flurry of activity happening in the gardens below.

Decorated in dirty old cobwebs, fake bats and spiders, and bright orange jack-o'-lanterns, the garden was in the perfect setting for Halloween. This time of year actually described my current state pretty well: Undead.

Party planners and staff ran to and fro in a jumble of activity, shouting out different orders to others, holding large clipboards.

I simply watched them from my terris, my eyes admiring the variety of different colors and décor, and I suddenly had the desire for Jules to be standing here next to me, but I quickly shoved that thought away, knowing that I was probably going to be seeing her soon enough anyway.

I continued to watch the decorating unfold below me when I suddenly heard a loud knock on the door.

"It's probably just a member of the kitchen with my breakfast," I thought to myself, and swiftly made my way to the door to find a fair skinned lady with dark brown hair that fell in large curls on each side of her neck pushing a cart filled with steaming hot food.

She gave me a welcoming smile and I did my best to smile back but it came out as more of a wince before I pulled the door open wider to allow her to pass through, the squeaking of the carts wheels loud enough to make me wince at the sound as she brought it inside.

Rolling it up to the foot of my bed, she turned back to me -who was still standing at the door- and with a curt nod walked forward to leave, but just before she strode through the door I stopped her.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be a bother but do by any chance happen to know if the Halloween dance tonight is mandatory or is it optional?" I asked as politely and innocently as I could.

"For the selected -such as yourself- yes it is mandatory to attend so that you can meet several other guests and there will be a few interviewers there that will ask you a few questions about your time here at the palace," She answered, her rosy cheeks slightly flushing while all color left mine, and she tilted her head to the side in concern before adding, "But, you don't need to worry, it's usually just a chance for you to mingle with the other selected and have a good time."

I pressed my lips together into a firm line before giving her a grim nod, and serving as a dismissal she gave me a cheeky grin before parading down the hallway.

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