Chapter 11 Part 2

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So this chapter will basically be the Report with a small scene that is going to be quite important the further we go into the story ;). Above is Annabelle and without further ado I'll let you get right to the story. 

"Hello, Illéa!" Gavril greeted, his face appearing on all of the monitors around the studio. "We have an exciting evening for all of you lovely citizens at home, but first a brief message from your King and Queen."

The monitors immediately switched to the other camera facing the Royal family, and all four of them gave big smiles, although you could tell that the Princes was forced.

It was the King who spoke first, the rest of the family making sure to keep themselves poised, alert, and smiling.

"Good evening loyal citizens of Illéa, I'm sure you are all waiting for the highlight of this Report but in the meantime, I have a few announcements," King Maxon began before diving into news regarding the economy and recent rebel attacks.

I tried my best to pay attention but after a while I started to zone out, trying to come up with answers to possible questions that might be asked during the interview.

Before I knew it the King had finished speaking and Gavril was now calling the Prince to the stage for his interview. Now this I had to listen to.

"It's great to speak with you, Your Majesty," Gavril said, extending his hand to the stool that sat on the opposite side of his for the Prince to take his seat.

"How many times do I have to remind you that Alexander is just fine. Seriously, I'm not some sort of god," The Prince responded, and small laughs were heard around the room. Behind me I heard one of the selected whisper something about the Prince having the body of a god. She's not completely wrong...

"My bad Alexander," Gavril corrected, letting out a small chuckle himself before continuing. "So this has been quite a week for you hasn't it?"

"Oh yes. These ladies can we quite the handful." Once again the room went into small fits of laughter, some girls trying harder than others.

"So it has been rumored that you have already gotten some alone time with a few of these lovely women. Is this true, and if so what is your take on the experience?"

"To answer your question, yes I have already been on a few... dates as you would call it. So far all of them have been simply... fantastic. All of these girls have such amazing qualities and personalities. It's going to be so hard to pick just one." The selected few that were lucky enough to go on first dates with the Prince were all blushing, while some of those who hadn't were fuming, including none other than Sophia and her posse.

"Well, that sounds absolutely wonderful. Now I know it has only been a week, but is there a girl that really catches your eye?" Gavril questioned, making almost everyone in the room hold their breath and lean forward into their seats, everyone suddenly quite curious as to the Prince's answer. Honestly, it was hard not to be.

"Gavril! You know I can't do that, what makes you think I even have a favorite?" Prince Alexander accused, trying to ease his way out of answering the question. Only a few nervous chuckles were heard.

"Hmm, something sounds fishy here. Come on, I'm sure Illéa wants to hear what's on your mind. We want to know some of your juicy secrets," Gavril pressured, making the Prince squirm in his seat before hesitantly answering.

"Ok well, let me think. There has been this one girl, who I won't name, that shares many common interests with me and who is quite easy to talk to, qualities I rather enjoy. She's humble, kind, and really knows how to listen. That's all the information I'm giving," Alexander answered, putting his hand in a zipper like motion over his mouth and as if he was throwing away the key.

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