Chapter 5

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A week passed by, with Kathy and Jules bragging to everyone and anyone about my pictures, just waiting for Friday night to come to see who is going to be selected to go to the palace.

By the time Friday rolled around, I'm surprised that Jules hasn't exploded with excitement, although she has come pretty close.

She even demanded that we sleep until 10 in the morning to make sure that we wouldn't fall asleep during The Report that night, although I highly doubted that she had any sleep in the past week!

Dinner that day was almost deadly silent, as if they were afraid that if they said anything they would jinx my chances of winning. Poor uncle Jeff has had his ear nearly talked off this entire week, so he seemed more than glad to have silence for once.

At exactly 8:47 Jules decided to make an announcement. "Ok everyone, shut up!" Although no one was talking in the first place, "The Report is going to come on in exactly... 13 minutes! There will be absolutely no talking while it's on! When Gabs is called we will try our best to remain calm.....actually screw that. We have to congratulate our future Princess in the best way possible!"

After, she looked at everyone to make sure they understood, even getting a fake salute from Jeff, and plopped back down on the couch.

The minutes seemed to last hours as we waited for The Report to come on, Jules leaning forward, staring at the TV with all her might, as if she could make time go faster by not blinking.

The time continued ticking by... 4 minutes..... 3 minutes.... 2 minutes. I continued looking back and forth from the clock on the wall and I realized my heart was going a thousand miles a minute.

I was trying to slow it down when suddenly the anthem of Illéa came blasting out of the TV speakers. Jules gave a small squeak in excitement and I have to admit my heart did a small leap in my chest.

"Hello Illéa!" The image of Gavril came up on the screen, "This is going to be a very special show today. As you already know, 35 ladies will be given the chance of a lifetime to compete in the selection for Prince Alexander's heart. Let's show our love!"

Gavril started applauding while the camera's turned to the Royal family, smiles plastered on all of their faces. On the left side was King Maxon, then his wife Queen America on the right, 15 year old Princess Mackenzie below the King, and lastly Prince Alexander below Queen America.

America's Dress:

Mackenzie's Dress: 

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Mackenzie's Dress: 

Mackenzie's Dress: 

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