Chapter 9 Part 2

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The image above is how I thought Scarlett would look like. This chapter is a continuation of the previous one. (Believe it or not, chapter 9 would have been almost 9,000 words!)

After about ten minutes of walking, I was finally able to make my way to the door marked library.

I softly opened the door, and it made a small creaking sound. Do all the doors at the palace do that?

When I stepped inside my mouth dropped, just as it has done for almost every room I have walked into in this palace. The walls were lined top to bottom with large bookshelves, containing every genre imaginable.

I slowly made my way through the aisles, starting with the fiction section, when I suddenly heard a voice from the corner.

"Hello, Miss is there anything I can help you with." I whirled around and faced the direction where the voice had come from, finding an elderly woman pushing a book cart.

"No thank you. I'm just looking around." I gave her a small smile, which she quickly returned.

"Do you like to read?" She asked, placing two books from the cart onto the bookshelf on her left.

"Absolutely! It's like you enter into a whole new world just by flipping a page!" She gave me another toothy grin, seeming to like my enthusiasm.

"Did you know that you are the first selected to actually come here in the past two that we've had here?" My eyes widened, and she nodded her head. "The only ones who come here anymore are the Prince, and every once in awhile the Queen."

I was quite shocked that no one came here anymore. Back home it was very rare that I would even get my hands on one, yet here they have rooms full of them, and no seems to even care.

"Well, I'll leave you to pick out one that you like and you can come to the back and check it out, so you can keep it with you in your room." I gave her a quick thanks, and she went back to her task, the wheels squeaking sound echoing around the room.

I continued looking for a few moments until I found one that looked pretty interesting, made my way to the tables that were located in the middle of the room, and sat down.

The moment I read the first page I got so involved in it that I didn't hear the door open, or footsteps come in, until I heard another voice, this one deeper than the librarians.

"I figured you would take my advice and come here." I snapped my head up, finding none other than Prince Alexander standing there, a small grin on his face.

I brought down my legs, which had been on the chair opposite me, folded the top of the page of the book, and closed it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, although upon seeing the books in his arms, figured it out.

"Just returning these, and seeing if I could check out a few more." He walked up to my table and set down his pile of books. "Whatcha reading?"

He craned his neck, to see the title on the cover, and his eyes widened when he saw the picture of the boy didn't have a shirt on.

"Are you reading a.. romance novel? He asked warily, although it was more like he was asking if I was reading porn. I gave a small giggle and shook my head frantically.

"Of course not! It's more like a dystopian fantasy. It's about this girl named Clary who finds out about this whole other world that exists containing shadowhunters, downworlders, and demons. It's actually pretty interesting." He seemed kinda glad that I hadn't been reading anything bad like that, which would have been kinda awkward, especially since I'm basically fighting for his heart.

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