Chapter 9 Part 1

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As you can probably see the picture above is Prince Alexander (my celebrity crush hehehe...)Happy reading!

You are probably the ugliest, most boring, and officially the worst girl I have ever met! Get out of here at once, and from here on out you are an eight! Your family and maids too!

I darted up from my sleeping position, covered in sweat, breathing heavily. It was just a bad dream.

It took a few moments, but I was able to bring my breathing back to normal. I slowly turned to the wall clock, the time currently reading 5:37AM.

I slowly leaned back onto the pillow, but after a few minutes of just sitting there it was obvious that I wasn't going to be getting anymore sleep.

I threw back my sheets, and jumped down, my feet bare. The floor was freezing, causing a small shiver to go through me.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom, probably looking like a zombie that had just gotten out of the grave.

Once I had gotten to the bathroom entrance, I flicked on the light switch, which was so bright that I had to squint and wait for my eyes to adjust to the light.

It took a while, but I was finally able to look up, without everything becoming blurry. I looked up at the mirror, to find my bouncy waves from yesterday now turned into what looked like a birds nest.

Luckily all the toiletries were spread out on the counter. I reached over, grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, and lazily brought the brush back and forth in my mouth.

Once I finished my teeth, I passed the brush through my hair, making it look somewhat decent.

I took one last look in the mirror, turned off the lights, and made my way to the balcony. The weather was perfect!

I looked down at the garden below me, finding the different colors quite soothing. Definitely a place I'll want to visit later.

In the far corner, facing the gates, was the same guard from yesterday. After a closer look, I realized that he was actually sleeping!

He was standing up straight, but he neck was rolling forward. I, being the evil person that I am, gave a loud whistle, making him jump.

I gave a small giggle, although I think he had heard me. He whipped his head over to where I was, giving me a glare, but you could see the corners of his mouth twitching upward.

"No sleeping on the job!" I hollered, wiggling my eyebrows, giving another giggle.

He just stuck his tongue out at me, looking just like a little kid. Making my giggles continue.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? I doubt the prince will like tired a grouchy girl." Now it was his turn to wiggle his eyebrows, and for me to stick my tongue out.

"Couldn't sleep." Was all I said, not wanting to go into details as to why. Luckily he didn't poke around, nodding his head in understanding.

We stayed in silence for a few minutes, the dress that I was still to lazy to take off, flowing in the wind.

He (I'm going to have to learn his name) had turned and faced the gate once again, his face stiff and serious. I gave a big sigh, and decided to go back into my room.

I shut the balcony doors with a soft click, and looked back up at the wall clock, the time reading 6:04AM.

Julia, Susan, and Lily (I refused to call them my maids) were going to come in about an hour to help me get ready for breakfast.

I made my way over to the side of the desk, where my backpack lay, and pulled out my songbook. I quickly found a pencil in the desk drawer, climbed back onto the bed, and for the next hour let my mind wander with song lyrics.

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