Chapter 13

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Wassup V-Squad and Selectionists! So above is Leah, who is going to be very important in this chapter. So this is already a pretty long chapter so I won't keep you any longer. Here is chapter 13...

That night I had not been in the mood to explain anything that had happened when I was with Alexander so I simply brushed off Julia's pestering questions as softly as I could but I'm not sure I did it entirely without hurting her feelings slightly.

I kindly tried to tell her not to tell anyone about what I did that day, and at first I wasn't sure if she would or not, but in the end she followed my orders reluctantly.

I also decided not to tell even Scarlett nor Annabelle even after they both had been asked out on dates as well and constantly bragged about them.

They continued pestering me with questions about why I think I haven't been asked yet, but I always responded with just a simple shrug of my shoulders.

As the weeks dragged on I was starting to think they were getting slightly suspicious about my weird behavior but if they thought anything they certainly didn't let on.

Each Friday we had to attend the report, there was no exception unless you were ill, and I have to admit that I had pretended to be sick the first report that was scheduled after the date, and I ended up spending the entire night talking with Danny to pass the time.

Surprisingly, we actually had a lot of things in common personality wise, perhaps even more than I had with the Prince, and by the time we ended the night with tears of laughter in our eyes it was safe to say that we were officially friends, a fact that was quite refreshing since he was the only other guy that I could talk to about anything here in the palace.

Somehow it seemed that Julia understood what had happened during the date with the Prince so she wouldn't pressure me into answering anything about that day, why I skipped the Report, and overall she seemed to accept my weird behavior, perhaps being the only person who did.

The Prince himself however, continued to persist. Whenever he saw me walking in the hallways or in the library he would always stop to try and talk with me but I always found some sort of excuse to get away from him.

Honestly, I was more upset with myself than I was with him. This is practically one big game show for heaven's sake! I had been a fool to think that he would have any real feelings for someone like me. He was important enough that he could play with the emotions of thirty-five innocent girls and no one would bat an eye let alone do something about it.

So I ingrained those thoughts deep into my mind and would ignore the pleading looks he would give me at the breakfast table or anywhere else for that matter. He probably couldn't stand the thought of someone disliking him...

Five more girls ended up getting eliminated in the weeks that followed and I was quite baffled on why I haven't been sent home yet. Maybe it was his way of showing pity on me but I could barely stand the thought of someone like him having to stoop so low to pity me.

So to distract myself, I would focus all of my attention on songwriting and the future events at the palace.

Luckily there was a Halloween dance coming up in a week and I was actually pretty stoked about it.

Back in Carolina, Jules and I never really celebrated Halloween by dressing up in crazy costumes and attending parties or going trick-or-treating we would just binge watch old scary movies that we would find in an old box of VHS's, so having the chance to do that was pretty exciting.

I even had my costume picked out and everything so I desperately hoped that the Prince wouldn't kick me out before I could go, but I highly doubted he would eliminate anyone in such short notice to the dance so nothing could bring me down.

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