Chapter 14 Part 3

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Ok I know what you guys are thinking: 'Why is there a Part 3 to this chapter? Didn't it end?" Well it looks like the night wasn't exactly over just yet...

It didn't take me very long to crash from exhaustion onto my bed minutes later. Simply throwing off my costume and replacing it with a skimpy nightgown from the small pile of them found in my drawers and kicking off my buckled boots.

Half of my makeup had already washed away with my sweat but I still made sure to wipe and wash my face thoroughly. I didn't want to wake up with mascara or liner covering my eyes or the face paint to seep its way onto the perfectly white pillowcases.

Due to the impending winter weather slowly approaching and my nightgown not exactly giving me the most coverage, I had to literally cocoon myself inside the newly washed and replaced blood-red comforter in order to feel even a shred of warmth.

Fortunately, I was too drained of energy to even shiver in the cold before I fell into a dreamless sleep, the soft pitter-patter of rain onto my windows serving as perfect ambient noise.

My peaceful sleep, however, didn't last as long as I had hoped it would as I was suddenly awakened by the sound of murmuring voices outside of my door a few hours later.

Still determined to cling onto my calm, quiet slumber-something that I hadn't been able to enjoy for a while-I kept my eyes shut and willed myself to simply ignore the voices.

Almost as if in response, the murmuring grew louder. It was as if they were slowly getting into a heated argument, the voices gradually becoming more and more intense until I couldn't merely block them out anymore.

In a desperate attempt, I tried to use one of my pillows to cover my ears and squeezed my eyes shut, as if will alone would be enough to get me back to sleep. Tonight could very well be my very last night at the Palace and I was determined to enjoy it for as long as I could.

Nonetheless, my only chance of falling asleep was promptly squashed when I suddenly heard three swift, loud knocks on the bedroom door.

Aggravated whispers followed seconds later, and I briefly considered simply pretending as if I hadn't heard them. Rolling over onto my other side, I attempted to adjust myself into a comfortable position, when the knocks were heard once again, this time more insistent and urgent.

Groaning into my pillow in silent protest, I lazily raised my head from the silky smoothness of the handmade pillow case in compliance. Blinking a few times in order to allow my eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

Once I was able to finally see the silhouette of my hand as I held it in front of my face, I gently peeled off the many layers of my bed sheets before sliding my body to the edge of the bed. My hair all tangled with the small remnants of my previously luxurious curls, now damp and lifeless, while small locks of it were stuck to the sides of my face, partly from drool.

Using a small amount of force from my arms, I used the momentum to gently leap off, my feet hitting the floorboards below with a delicate thud, barely audible to anyone beneath.

The touch of my bare feet onto the freezing floor surface was just enough to send a series of shivers up and down my spine, and I rapidly brought my arms together in response to the chilly atmosphere.

Groggily forcing myself to put one foot in front of the other, I warily tiptoed my way to the door, the crescent moons tiny sliver of light shining through my windows my only guide.

Soon enough, I was within inches of the doorknob but slight fear of what lay on the other side caused me to hesitate. However, my reluctance seemed to have somehow reached the other side of the door as there was yet another series of knocks, more urgent and demanding than the ones before it.

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