Chapter 7

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Saturday night I only was able to get about 2 hours of sleep. I kept tossing and turning, nervousness keeping me from closing my eyes for more than 20 minutes. Before I knew it my alarm clock starting blaring, signaling that it was already 6:30.

I turned around and hit the snooze button, but it didn't shut off at first, so I banged on it even harder, partially hoping that I could break it. Once I had finally turned it off, I slowly slid off the bed and walked/slid over to the light switch, but after realizing that Jules wouldn't have to wake up until another hour I decided keep them off.

Since we have gone weeks without power I've learned to dress myself in the dark, so it wasn't that much of a challenge. I ended up just picking a pair of ripped jeans, a white blouse with dark blue stripes, and my only pair of black and white high tops.

As quietly as I could, I scampered over to the mirror, hairbrush in hand. I quickly passed through my light brown locks, and put it in it's usually ponytail. After a quick examination of myself, I turned around, and looked at my alarm clock which currently read 7:04AM.

I knew that they were going to be providing clothing so instead of packing a luggage I just put a few items that I wanted to take with me in a small backpack that would be easy to carry around.

At first I wasn't sure what to take with me, standing at the foot of my bed probably looking like complete weirdo, not doing anything. I just decided to take two shirts, two pairs of jeans, 2 bra's, and 2 undergarments, just in case I ever needed it.

Then I put some extra cash that I keep behind the bed post, and placed it in one of the pockets. I was about to close it, when I remembered one last thing I wanted to take with me.

I slowly made my way over to the drawers in the right corner of the room, and opened the bottom left drawer, pulling out my songbook. I looked down at it, giving a small smile, and softly placed it on top of my clothing.

As quietly as I could I zipped up the pocket, and placed it by the door. I turned back, glanced at the alarm, it's red numbers showing 7:26AM. Eh, she's slept long enough.

"Jules, wake up." I softly shook her, although I knew that she wasn't going to be waking up that easy, but I was very surprised when she immediately threw off her covers, and jumped down.

"So, are you excited?" She didn't look the least bit tired, almost as if she had been awake for at least 20 minutes.

I knew exactly what she was talking about, but I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her that I was excited and happy about going or tell her the truth, that I might end up puking the moment I got there and that I deeply regretted ever even entering.

I decided to tell her the first option and I saw her entire face brighten up, and she put on an ear to ear smile.

"Why don't you go get dressed and meet me in the kitchen?" Her smile never faltered as she grabbed a random pair of shorts and shirt and rushed to the bathroom.

I grabbed my backpack from the door, and made my way to the kitchen, but I was startled when I found Kathy already there flipping a pancake. I should've figured that she would wake up early as well.

I slowly set down my backpack at the table, and went over to her side, and put my arm around her shoulder. She gave a small jump, but after seeing that it was just me she quickly relaxed.

"Hey hon! You want some pancakes?" I gave her a look, implying that I would never turn down her cooking. She gave a small chuckle, grabbed a plate, and set down three.

I gave her a small squeeze and, sat down at my usual seat. I was about to take my first bite, when Jules bounced into the room, seeming even more giddy than earlier, and took the seat across from me.

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