Chapter 16

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"Gabriela. Gabriela. Earth to Gabriela. Gabrielaaa. Gabriela!" A voice hissed at me before I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shin, snapping me out of my haze.

"Wazzhappenin'?" I blurted out, whirling my head to my right where Annabelle was currently sitting. A book lay open on her lap and her eyebrows were furrowed in obvious worry.

"Your eyes haven't left that chair in at least ten minutes! Is everything ok?" She asked, pointing to an empty loveseat from across the room. "You've been completely spaced out all day."

"Oh. S-sorry. Just got a lot on my mind I guess..." I explained hurriedly, blinking a few times to return back to reality.

That, however, wasn't entirely true but wasn't exactly a lie either.

I truly only had one thing on my mind; my date with Alexander along with every possible horrible scenario that could occur.

Everything from getting stung by a bee to somehow being caught in the middle of nuclear crossfire had crossed my mind at some point.

I honestly didn't even know why I was this nervous in the first place. I had never been this worried about going on a date before in my life so all these mixed emotions felt strangely alien to me.

Then again, I'm not sure that many people have even experienced a 'second first date' so perhaps it wasn't too abnormal to be feeling this way.

Just as I was contemplating this, the door of the Women's Room suddenly burst open with enough force to rattle the walls as a girl with skin the color of dark chocolate and silver gray eyes stormed though.

I immediately recognized her as Peyton Robertson. We have yet to have a chance to fully conversate with each other besides a few short greetings and the occasional complimentary remarks.

However, despite the amount of makeup that consistently caked her face she seemed otherwise kind and friendly. That is, before I saw her now.

Her normally calm eyes now stared daggers in Sophia's direction - who was currently having her usual gossip session with her posse - as she stomped towards her, fuming.

Everyone around the room completely forgot everything they were doing as they stared wide eyed. There was no way this would end well...

"You!" Peyton spat as soon as she was directly in front of Sophia, who wore an irritatingly sly grin on her face at the sudden confrontation. "How do you live with yourself?!"

Any other sane person probably would have asked what she was talking about or simply sat there in confusion. However, Sophia was far from sane so, of course, she did neither of those things.

Instead she had the audacity to throw her head back and laugh, her posse quickly following after her with nervous giggles accompanied with confused glances to one another.

Once she was sure that her laughter had carried on for longer than it should have, she ended it with a sigh, flipping her hair dramatically. Peyton's eyes looked just about ready to pop out of her head.

"Oh honey, it's quite simple really. I simply wake up in the morning, remember how amazing I am, and try not to let you amateurs close enough to get in my way."

Sophia's posse once again let out a series of exaggerated giggles. It was clear, however, that her amount of confidence worried them. It was quite sad that they thought that staying in her shadow would somehow help them succeed.

Didn't they realize that there could only be one winner? It wouldn't mean much if they somehow made it far in this competition only to be forced to turn against each other. Especially when they would be competing against their own ringleader.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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