Chapter 4

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*Isabella's P.O.V*

"You got me jumping like-"

I turned off my alarm with a groan. I've been waking up at 6:30am for at least two years now and you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I still feel like death every morning because I'm so tired. I suppose that's my own fault for messing around on my phone for hours when I'm supposed to be asleep... Oops?

Anyway, I soon managed to drag myself out of bed and into my bathroom, where I had a quick shower. I used my avocado shampoo and conditioner and my cucumber bodywash, before turning the water off, stepping out of the shower and drying myself with my pastel yellow towel. I then went back into my bedroom and put on my school uniform. I made sure my hair was fully dry before putting it in a single fishtail braid.

Once I was ready, I made my way downstairs and said good morning to everyone, who were in the kitchen

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Once I was ready, I made my way downstairs and said good morning to everyone, who were in the kitchen.

"Mum, did you wash my PE kit?" I asked as I sat down at the dining table with some honey on toast.

"Yep, I put it in your bag as well, it's out by the front door." She replied.

"Thanks." I smiled gratefully. Before long, the doorbell rang and I knew it was the boys. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to seeing Harvey after my discussion with Zoe last night. What if Harvey figures out I like him? What if I say something stupid? What if I do something stupid? Why am I having all of these thoughts all of a sudden?!

Okay, calm down, Izzy. Nothing's changed between you and Harvey since last night, you just realised you like-like him. Just play it cool and everything will be fine.

"Hey, Iz." Harvey smiled at me when I opened the front door, after saying goodbye to my family and grabbing my turquoise Adidas PE bag that had a shimmering water type pattern on.

" Harvey smiled at me when I opened the front door, after saying goodbye to my family and grabbing my turquoise Adidas PE bag that had a shimmering water type pattern on

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"Hey, hello, hi, what's up?" So much for playing it cool...

"Hey, are you okay?" Max asked me, probably wondering why I was acting so strange.

"Yeah, yep, yes, I'm fine. I'm great. Why wouldn't I be? How are you guys?" I continued to ramble, awkwardly glancing at Harvey every so often, "Um, we should get going, we don't wanna miss the bus." I said, locking the door behind me. The sooner we got to school the sooner I could stop embarrassing myself. We all walked to the bus stop and the big seat at the back was taken so Harvey and I sat next to each other while Max sat in the seat behind us. As Harvey sat down next to me, my heartbeat sped up slightly and my palms began to sweat. God, what is wrong with me?! It's like, now that I've acknowledged the fact that I have a crush on Harvey, all my symptoms of having a crush have just increased immensely.

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