Chapter 24

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*Isabella's P.O.V*

I woke up with a banging headache and a feeling of nausea. I also felt extremely hot and kicked my covers off with a groan as Erika walked in from the bathroom fully dressed.

"You alright, Bells?" She frowned in concern, obviously noticing my distress.

"Yeah, I just don't feel too good." I croaked.

"You don't look too good either..." She commented, coming over and putting a hand on my forehead, "You feel pretty hot. Do you want me to go and get your mum?"

"Okay." I mumbled, before Erika left the room. I lay there, drifting in and out of sleep until Erika returned with Mum about five minutes later.

"Hey, baby, you not feeling well?" She asked softly. I only just had the energy to shake my head as she came over and felt my forehead, just like Erika had done.

"It definitely feels like you've got a fever. I reckoned you've caught whatever your dad had. You stay here and try to get some rest, okay, darling? I'll come and check on you after breakfast." I just nodded, my eyes drooping closed. I felt Mum kiss my forehead before she and Erika quietly left the room, leaving me to sleep.


I was woken up to the sound of the door opening and opened my eyes to see Mum walking into the room.

"How are you feeling?" She cooed, coming over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"A bit better." I said raspily. I still felt a bit sick and feverish, but my headache was pretty much done and I didn't feel as tired.

"Do you think you're up for the beach?" She wondered.

"I can try. The fresh air might do me good." I nodded.

"That's my girl," Mum smiled, kissing my forehead before she stood up, "I'll wait outside for you to get ready."

"Okay." I replied before she left the room. I slowly got out of bed and had a quick shower, thinking that might wake me up a bit and make me feel better. I then put on my high-waisted, modest peachy pink swan bikini and slipped my white, kinda see-through, low-cut cover up. I slipped my feet into my brown flipflops with pink straps and threw my hair in a messy bun, before grabbing my pink Aztec patterned beach bag and meeting Mum outside the room.

 I slipped my feet into my brown flipflops with pink straps and threw my hair in a messy bun, before grabbing my pink Aztec patterned beach bag and meeting Mum outside the room

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We took the elevator down to the beach because if Mum made me take the steps I'm pretty sure I would've ended up a puddle of misery and exhaustion on the floor.

"Hey, sweetheart, how you doing?" Dad asked me with a sympathetic look on his face as we reached the family.

"I've been better." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry I gave it to you." He said.

"It's alright, Dad." I giggled. Because my temperature was so high, I tried to stay well out of the sun and just laid on one of the sun chairs the whole time, in the shade. I kept myself occupied on my phone, reading a fanfiction that I'd found on Wattpad (😏😂), when someone came and stood in front of me. I looked up and rolled my eyes when I saw it was Harvey.

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