Chapter 31

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*Isabella's P.O.V*

Once again, it was the first day back at school, but this time it was the first day back after our October half term. I can't believe it's November already; I feel like 2016 has flown by and I've blinked and missed it. Oh, and yes, Harvey and I are still broken up. It took a couple weeks to get over it, but now we're pretty much the same as we were before and we're back to being best friends. Sure, I have moments where I wish I could just hold his hand and kiss him and have him hold me, but I still believe it's better this way. For now.

"Bells, the boys are here!" Mum called up to me while I was upstairs redoing my hair since Eduardo kept tugging on it during breakfast and kind of ruined it.

"Coming!" I called back as I slid one last bobby pin into my hair to secure the half-up-half-down bun that sat on top of my head.

"Coming!" I called back as I slid one last bobby pin into my hair to secure the half-up-half-down bun that sat on top of my head

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"Hey." I chirped as I met the boys at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, Iz." Max grinned.

"Hey." Harvey gave me a small smile and I smiled back. He met my eye and I couldn't hold the eye contact for more than a couple seconds before I had to look away. Yeah, we still have the occasional awkward moment now and then but I guess that's to be expected. I mean, it's not even been a month since we broke up.

"Bye Mum, bye Dad!" I yelled as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. Mum and Dad yelled bye back to me before I left the house with the boys. The bus ride was nothing exciting and before I knew it, we were going our separate ways to tutor time.

"Uh, sorry, is this seat taken?" A sweet voice asked and I looked up from my book to see a pretty girl with long, dark hair who looked to be of Asian ethnicity.

"Um, no, go ahead." I said and she smiled warmly before taking the seat beside me.

"I'm Candice, I'm new. It's my first day today." She explained with a bright smile, sticking her hand out.

"I'm Isabella." I smiled back, shaking her hand with a giggle.

"Okay, settle down, you lot." Mr Down said as he walked in and all the chattering in the room died down, "I believe we have a new student joining us today. Candice, why don't you come up and introduce yourself?"

Candice blushed and followed Mr Down's orders, getting up and walking up to the front of the classroom.

"Um, hi, I'm Candice, Candice Liu. Uh, I'm fourteen and I just moved here from Suffolk and that's all I can really think to say..."

"Very nice, Candice. Welcome to our school."

"Thank you, sir." She smiled sweetly before coming to sit back down.


"Hey, Candice!" I called as I ran to catch up with her after textiles class.

"Oh, hey, Isabella."

"Do you wanna eat lunch with me and my friends? I just figured since you're new and all and don't really know anyone yet..." I offered.

"Uh, sure, I'd love to." She grinned.

"Awesome, come on, then." I beamed, making her giggle at my excitement. We stopped off at our lockers before going into the canteen and grabbing some lunch before finding the table that Max, Harvey and Hailee were sat at.

"Hey, guys, this is Candice, she's new. Candice, these are my best friends Max, Harvey and Hailee." I got the introductions over and done with before everyone hit it off. My friends ended up loving Hailee and she loved them. Safe to say, lunch was a success.

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