Chapter 8

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*Isabella's P.O.V*

The next morning, I got woken up at about 6:30 in the morning so Aimee could give me some more painkillers. After I took them, she went off to get me some breakfast and as she left, Mum came in with a coffee for herself.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty." She smiled.

"Hey." I mumbled sleepily.

"Did you sleep okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied.

"That's good. Dad should be bringing the kids over soon." She told me, "He says the little ones have missed you." She added, which made me smile. Aimee soon came back with my breakfast, which was porridge. I wasn't the biggest fan of porridge, but I hadn't eaten since yesterday, so I wasn't complaining.

"Thanks." I smiled at Aimee as she placed the bowl of porridge and a glass of orange juice on the portable table that she'd just wheeled in front of me.

"So, um, when will you be getting Isabella's cast sorted out?" Mum asked.

"Around 10:00, I'd say, then we'll just make sure she's comfortable with using the crutches and then once the doctor's discharged her, she'll be free to go." Aimee explained, while me and Mum listened and took everything in. That didn't seem like too long of a wait, which was good. Before long, Dad arrived with Emilia and Eduardo.

"Hey, princess." Dad smiled softly at me.

"Hi, daddy." I smiled back.

"Izzy!" My little siblings yelled as they ran into the room.

"Hello, monkeys." I smiled, as they I lifted them both onto my bed.

"Be careful of her bad leg, guys." Mum warned the children.

"It's fine, Mum." I assured her.

"I made you this!" Emilia beamed, handing me a pink sheet of A4 paper that she'd drawn on.

"And I helped!" Eduardo chirped.

"See, that's you in your hospital bed, and that's me and Wardo and Mummy and Daddy and the puppies standing by the bed, and then there's hearts and stars around us all." She explained what was happening in the drawing to me.

"Thank you, Milia. It's beautiful." I smiled, "And thank you, Wardo." I pulled them both into a hug, before they wriggled out of my grip. They soon wanted to get off the bed so Dad lifted them both onto the floor. Emilia then complained that she was hungry so Mum and Dad took the kids to get something from the hospital cafe, leaving me in my own company. Well, I was only my own for a bit as there was soon a knock at the door and Harvey popped his head in.

"Mind if I come in?" He asked.

"Go ahead." I smiled and so he stepped into the room.

"How are you feeling?" He gave me a smile so soft and caring, I thought I would melt.

"Pretty good." I shrugged, not really knowing what else to say.

"You look tired." He stated, a small frown falling over his face, "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, it's just the painkillers are making me feel and look sleepy." I explained, a small smile on my face. He seemed so concerned about my well being and that just made me so happy.

"How much have they given you?" He wondered.

"Quite a lot." I chuckled, "But I'd rather be drugged up on morphine than be in agonising pain."

"That's understandable." Harvey said with a small laugh.

"Where are Max and Hailee?" I questioned, only just noticing they were not present.

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