Chapter 28

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*Isabella's P.O.V*

'Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes, but it's the only thing that I know. When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes, it is the only thing that makes us-'

Here we go again. There's that feeling of wanting nothing more than to snuggle down under the duvet and go back to sleep but knowing that's not an option because you have to go to school. The feeling that I would probably be getting every week morning for the next year. I tried to put off getting up for as long as possible, but knew I couldn't stay in bed forever, so eventually, I forced my butt out of bed. I put on my school uniform before sitting down at my vanity so I could do my hair. I decided to put it in a style that started off like french braids but went into pigtails before sliding a delicate gold flower headband onto my head.

Once I was ready appearance-wise, I added my floral '100% Authentic, 100% Myself' case to my phone, grabbed my new Hype pastel gradient school bag and my black floral embroidered bomber jacket before I made my way downstairs

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Once I was ready appearance-wise, I added my floral '100% Authentic, 100% Myself' case to my phone, grabbed my new Hype pastel gradient school bag and my black floral embroidered bomber jacket before I made my way downstairs.

"There she is! There's our Year 9!" Dad cheered, vlogging camera on as I entered the kitchen, "You excited for your first day back?" I answered that question with a shrug and an unamused grunt.

"Typical teenager." He laughed, flipping the camera back to himself.

"I made porridge if you want some." Mum informed me, gesturing to the pot of freshly made porridge on the side.

"Okay, thanks, Mum." I smiled. I had strawberries and honey with my porridge and as usual, I sat at the table with Emilia and Eduardo to eat it. After I had breakfast, I nipped back upstairs to brush my teeth. Just as I was swilling the mouthwash around in my mouth, I heard the doorbell go from downstairs.

"Hey, boys." I heard Mum say after hearing the door open, followed by Max and Harvey's voices greeting her back, "Come in, Bells is just doing her teeth at the moment, she'll be down in a minute."

I quickly spat my mouthwash into the sink, sorted myself out and made my way back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to find the twins there, just as I expected.

"Hey." Harvey smirked as I walked over to him. He was about to kiss me on the lips, but Dad cleared his throat really loudly on purpose and so he settled on a peck on the cheek instead.

"Hey, Max." I smiled at the younger twin as well.

"Hey, don't worry, I don't need a kiss hello as well." He joked making us all laugh. It was soon time to leave so I slipped on my jacket, swung my bag over my shoulder, said goodbye to my family and then left with the boys. Harvey and I held hands on the way to the bus stop, on the bus and during the short walk from the bus to the school foyer when we arrived. Not long after we got to school, Hailee arrived and she made her presence known by sneaking up behind Max and putting her hands over his eyes.

"Guess who." She sang and the way his face lit up when he heard her voice was adorable. He immediately turned round, smiling wide when he saw her.

"Hey!" He threw his arms around her neck.

"Hi." She giggled, hugging him back. They were both blushing by the time they pulled away and Harvey and I smirked at each other.

"I don't know what you lovebirds are smirking about either." Hailee said with a smirk of her own as she eyed our laced hands. Now it was our turn to blush.


"This is so stupid!" I cried, "How is this fair?!"

"Iz, calm down." Harvey said softly, taking hold of my hands, only for me to yank them away.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You get to be in the same class as your twin brother and one of your best friends while I've been ripped away from you lot and dumped in a completely different class!" In case you hadn't figured it out by now, Harvey, Max and Hailee had been put in the same class together while I was put in a different class all by myself.

"We can still see each other, Iz." Max said.

"Yeah, it's only the lessons we're apart for, we can still spend break and lunch and all that together." Hailee said.

"I guess..." I sighed.

"We'll make it work, okay?" Harvey promised, taking my hands again and this time I let him.

"Alright, well, I better get to my first class... I'll see you guys at break?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Hey, not so fast." Harvey tightened his grip on my hands when I tried to walk away and pulled me closer to him before planting a sweet kiss on my lips, "Okay, now you can go."

I giggled and ended up going to my first class of the year with pink cheeks and butterflies in my stomach.

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