Chapter 33

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*Isabella's P.O.V*

It was now the middle of the week after mine and Candice's sleepover and she seems kind of...distant with me. She doesn't smile at me in the hall like she use to and she seems to kind of blank me whenever we're all together. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but I can't help but feel there's been a change in her attitude towards me.

I was currently in English, impatiently watching the clock and waiting for the last couple minutes of class to go by so it could be lunch. Eventually, after what felt like hours, the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and left the classroom, briefly stopping by my locker so I could chuck my bag in there before making my way to the canteen. I quickly got my lunch and scanned the room for my friends. I soon found them and felt a pang in my heart when I saw Harvey and Candice sat next to each other, Candice giggling at something he must've said and lightly touching his arm. The two have been spending quite a bit of time together over the last few days, but that's fine. Pulling myself together, I walked over and sat next to Max, who was next to Hailee, opposite Harvey and Candice.

"Hey." I smiled at the four teens.

"Hey, Iz." Max and Hailee both grinned.

"Hi." Harvey barely looked at me and Candice practically acted like I didn't exist.

"Hey, Harv, I've been having some trouble opening my locker, can you come look at it for me, please?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. See what I mean? I may as well be invisible around her at the moment.

"Sure," Harvey said without a second thought, "See you guys later." And with that, they both left. I watched them walk out of the canteen, my heart heavy. Lunch was still one of the only times I got to see Harvey.

"You okay, Izzy?" Hailee asked and I turned to see both her and Max looking at me knowingly.

"I'm fine." I replied, plastering on a fake smile as I started eating.


Before long, the day came to an end and I left school to find just Max waiting for the bus.

"Hey, where's Harvey?" I questioned as I walked over to the younger twin.

"Oh, uh, he's in the library helping Candice with homework or something." He explained. He was ditching us for Candice again?

"Oh." Was all I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. We spent the next few minutes stood in a partially awkward silence before the bus pulled up and we got on.

"It's okay to be jealous, you know." Max told me out of the blue as the bus drove away from the school.

"Huh?" My head snapped towards him.

"Of Harvey and Candice."

"I-I'm not jealous." I mentally kicked myself for stuttering and making myself sound that much less convincing.

"It's okay, Iz," He repeated, "I mean, you're still getting over him and then all of a sudden, he starts hanging out with this girl that we just met. To be honest, it'd be weird if you weren't a little jealous."

"Well, I must be a right weirdo because I'm not jealous! And I'm not "just getting over Harvey", I am over him, okay?" I said defensively.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Izzy." Max put a hand on mine but I pulled away.

"Jesus Christ, do I have to write it down?! I am not jealous of Harvey and Candice, okay? So stop trying to tell me I am. I'm the only one that knows how I feel, not you, so butt out." I snapped, but instantly regretted it, "Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that, but I honestly don't care who Harvey hangs out with."

"I'm sorry too, for nagging you about being jealous."

"It's fine." I smiled and he smiled back. The bus soon pulled up on our street and we both got off, said goodbye to each other and went into our houses.

"Hi, sweetheart, how was school?" Mum asked me as I walked into the kitchen where Emilia and Eduardo were having their after school snack.

"It was alright." I replied nonchalantly.

"Would you like some watermelon?" She offered and it was then that I noticed what my siblings were eating.

"Yes please." I decided and Mum smiled at me before going to get it. A few minutes later, she came back over to the table and handed me some cut up watermelon, just like Emilia and Eduardo, but in a bigger bowl than them.

"Thank you." I smiled gratefully, picking up my fork and tucking in. The room was silent apart from the crunch of teeth on watermelon and the occasional tap of Mum's fingernail on her phone screen and I soon found my mind drifting.

Max was totally right. I was jealous of Candice and Harvey and I felt so stupid for it. Harvey and I are not together and even if we still were, he should be able to hang out with whoever he wants. I never wanted to be one of those psychotically jealous girlfriends - or ex girlfriends - but here I am, getting upset just because Harvey wanted to hang out with a girl that wasn't me. I found myself getting kind of mad at Candice as well, just because she's spending time with Harvey. God, I feel like such a bitch.

I'm probably just misreading things again, but why does it feel like Candice is only now starting to get closer to Harvey, after I told her I still had feelings for him? Once again, I'm most likely just being ridiculous. I mean, Candice isn't like that, is she?

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