Chapter 12

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*Max's P.O.V*

After we filmed Isabella's video, we took down all the filming equipment and reset it all up in the kitchen for the video for Harvey and I's channel. Harvey and I stood at the kitchen counter while Elexa sat on one of the dining chairs, as we thought standing for an entire video might be a bit inconvenient when she had a broken ankle. Anyway, once we were ready, we got started.

"What's up, guys!" I introduced the video.

"Did you just steal Alfie Deyes' intro?" Isabella laughed.

"No, shut up." I playfully waved her off, "Anyway, I'm Max, that's Harvey and this is our special guest, Isabella, who you probably recognise as a SacconeJoly."

"Hello." She giggled and waved. I saw a small smile creep onto Harvey's face at the sound of her laugh, but he quickly pulled himself together.

"She's currently suffering with a broken ankle, so show her some love down in the comments, guys." Harvey said.

"Harvey." Isabella groaned, "I'm fine, guys. I don't need pity or sympathy or anything." She politely laughed.

"Anyways, moving on." I cut in, "Today we're going to be doing the What's In My Mouth challenge. Iz, do you want to explain the rules?"

"Why of course, Maximus." Isabella replied in a fake posh accent.

"That's not even my name." I laughed.

"Do you want me to explain the rules or not?" She asked.

"Well, yeah, that's why I asked." I answered.

"Then shut up." She said bluntly, making Harvey laugh, "Anyway, the rules; so basically, one of us will be blindfolded while the other two rummage around the kitchen for things to feed the person blindfolded. Some of the things might be nice, some of them might be not so nice."

"And we'll take turns being blindfolded." I added.

"So, who's going first?" Harvey asked.

"I think Izzy should." I said.

"You're just crabby because I called you Maximus and told you to shut up." She claimed, "But I will go first just to get it over with." Harvey and I blindfolded her with the scarf we'd decided to use for the video.

"Right, can you see anything?" I asked, waving my hand in front of her face as Harvey finished tying the scarf around her head.

"Nope, not a thing. Promise." Isabella assured us.

"Okay, good." Harvey said, before we started looking for things to put in her mouth. Ew, that sounds kinda wrong... Oh, you know what I mean.

I looked around for about five minutes before Pippa's bag of biscuits caught my eye (Pippa is Max and Harvey's dog if you didn't know).

"Harv." I got my twin brother's attention as I held the bag up.

"I don't know, Max. What if it makes her ill?" He frowned. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would be worried about her wellbeing. He's in love with her, despite denying it every time I bring it up.

"No she won't, it'll be fine. We'll just give her a little bit." I whispered.

"What are you two whispering about?" Isabella piped up.

"Nothing." We said in unison. We continued scavenging for food and about ten minutes later, we found ketchup, garlic, mayonnaise, salt and we decided to be nice and throw in some whipped cream as well.

"Okay, ready?" Harvey asked as we dumped everything down on the counter.

"No." She whined, "I'm almost 100% sure that you're going to give me dog food or cat food or animal food of some sort." Harvey and I had to stifle our laughter as I picked up the bag of dog biscuits.

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