How it all started...

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Third-person view

In 2127,the USA government started a project on the study of zombies,what they saw on the movies long ago,known as the fictional "walking dead".

They wanted to make it a reality.A realistic stimulator.One that could be sold to all parts of the world.All the other countries would look up to them,including China.They would prove to be the stronger superpower of the two.

At last, in 2132,the first zombie rat,test subject hr29k5vl was created.Some were amazed at the breakthrough;Some were unsure about how they would contain them.The US government told the public this,"Its not just for you OR me,it's for us.Be assured that the government has this all under control and there is nothing for anyone to worry about."

But it turned out horribly wrong.

Not just a few citizens,but some countries disapproved to this 'dead project'.They said,"Why research about the dead and make something that is not supposed to live anymore a deadly weapon?"

The power-hungry USA president,Ernest Jefferson had enough of criticism.It was time to take over the world.He secretly produced airborne chemicals that would turn humans into zombies in a matter of minutes,and to make matters worse,it is colourless and has no smell.He deployed planes to drop loads of the silent assassins with the help of specialised military drones into the countries,and IT started.

The apocalypse.

The chaos.

The screams.

The terror.

The cries of help.

All that was left was one-eighth of population,the survival of the fittest and smartest that managed to control the monstrosity.

The zombies were not killed... the rest of the living worked together and built an indestructible barrier,keeping them out of reach.

There was hardly bias of any sort,for they were in this together.They rebuilt the human civilisation with the resources they had,and lived together harmoniously...right?

Hello again?I know at  this point of time there's nobody reading this book.If you are reading this then..thanks..?Okay this is awkward byeeeee

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