A nightmare

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Dennis's POV

I was in an endless tunnel of light.

At the end of the tunnel, was dad.

I ran as fast as I could to him, yet he faded away when I reached the end.

Someone tapped my back.

I reverted to my 11-year-old self, and I saw my parents holding my hand and running away from baddies. They held guns and chased us continually.

After we thought the attackers were far behind us, we hid in a corner after running in a distance.

" I guess we're safe. "

And then..

A bullet penetrated his body.

With the last bit of strength he had, my mother and I covered in fire and the next thing I knew, I was in a place I had never seen before.

" Don't leave me, Francis, don't leave me behind.... "

My mother was still shaking and crying, as if a million bullets had pierced her heart. I just stood there, listening to her muffled and broken words.

The people there who I did not know were told about our situation settled us down. When we reached our rooms, my mother suddenly stopped sobbing.

The last words I heard her say was, " Help me take care of this child, I'm avenging Francis. "

Then she left.

And never came back.

My mind suddenly pictured the attackers, except it was in a place I thought was truly safe when bullets penetrated my body while I was off guard, and I was alone, me and nobody else. I slowly and painfully fell on the cold and hard floor. The same people trampled over my dead body as they went up and shot my parents in the head.

" NO! "

I jumped out of my bed as I awoke from my nightmare... But it wasn't a nightmare.

At least most of it wasn't.

They were my dark memories that plays in my sleep.

One that I would never forget.

This chapter is probably quite crappy in my opinion, so sorry if you don't like it. If you didn't get it, Dennis was having a nightmare and his father's name is Francis. He lied to the MC. Hmm... Will this remain a secret?

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