Chapter Three

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My eyes fluttered open to see an entirely new world. A small beach lead trees densely covering most of the land. The sky was still dark and the moon was directly above my head. I began to stumble my way to what seemed to be a path near the tree line.

I had to find a way out of, wherever this was. Wait... How did I even get here?!?

I tried to recall what happened.

My dad was yelling, I was crying, my mother was on the floor. Oh god, my mother!

I left her behind. How could I have done that? I hated myself for my foolishness. I screamed as loud and as long as my lungs would allow. I fell to the ground in defeat and covered my face with my hands.

"Hello." A voice coming from above me spoke, causing me to gasp in fear.

I instinctively got up and began to ran, my adrenaline kicking in. I didn't get very far as I tripped on a slowly decaying tree branch. My hands unsuccessfully reached out to break my fall, but my body skidded across the dirt path.

"No need to run, I won't hurt you." The voice now much closer to me than it was previously. Hands cautiously but firmly grasped me and turned me to sit upright.

"But it seems you have already hurt yourself." I looked up at the owner of the voice. He was a young boy, 16 or 17, about my age. He pulled me to my feet and he towered over me.

"It appears you scratched that pretty face of yours when you fell." He said as he gently stroked the side of my cheek.

I blushed and remained silent, as I was too stunned to say anything.

He looked at me strangely, assessing me like a hunter would it's prey. Then his eyes softened as he spoke.

"Welcome to Neverland!" He smiled down at me.

I took a step back, baffled at what he said.

"Neverland? But that's just a story! This can't be real, I must be dreaming." I laughed in a mildly hysterical tone.

"Well of course this is real. As real as that tree and that stone there and..." A strange look flashed across his face, almost menacing.

"And as real as me kissing you." He stated as I was suddenly very confused.

"But-" My voice was cut off by this strange and unfamiliar boys lips meeting mine.

He pulled away and took a step back from me. I was dazed by the event that just took place.

He stared down at me, taking note of my expression and appearing quite proud of himself. He looked down at my hands and then back to my face and he frowned.

"Now we must get these cuts all cleaned up." He stated as he urged me along the path, leading me deeper into the jungle like foliage.

We walked in silence, the boy didn't seem to mind. My mind tried to create an escape plan, I wasn't about to trust some boy who could harm me. I thought maybe I could make a run for it, but that didn't go so well last time. I could always try to attack him...

"Don't try to run again." He looked at me angrily. " I can see you trying to think of an escape. Stop, you are welcome here in Neverland. You're safe." He had a bizarre warmness to him, almost as if it was hidden and only revealed to me.

"Neverland is your home now..." He stopped speaking, waiting for me to fill in the blank.

"Emerald, I'm Emerald." I spoke bluntly, still keeping my guard up from this mystical place.

"Emerald." He smiled to himself. "Mind if I call you Emmie?" He looked over to me.

"Only if you tell me what to call you." I spoke clearly, still weighing my options of escape.

"I'm-" A loud voice rang over his words.

"FELIX." Another tall boy with a mix of brown and blonde hair shouted as he emerged from the path ahead. His eyes flooded with anger. His eyes, so blue, yet so green. He was mesmerizing.


I bet you all didnt see that coming!!! I started writing this intending it to be Pan with her.... But I changed my mind. MUAHAHAHA

Anyways... If u liked it, let me know by commenting or voting!!


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