Chapter 16

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"PETER!" I screamed as I watched Peter and some brown haired boy jump off a cliff. A green glow began to shimmer around the two as they started... Flying? They were flying! I watched in amazement as they soared over the waters beneath. They slowly got smaller and smaller as they flew further away. I groaned when I realized it would be next to impossible for me to catch up to Peter.

"Fan-freaking-tastic." I mumbled unhappily as I weighed my options. I could walk until my feet fell off or perhaps go cliff diving and try to swim after Peter.

"Well, look what I found here." I turned around to face one person I really didn't want to see right now.

"Becca." I sighed. I really didn't have time to argue with her about Peter right now.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for a chance to get you alone so I can finally rid this island of you." I tried to step to the side of her so my back wasn't facing the edge of the cliff.

"Becca, please don't do this." I took a small step forward and instantly regretted it as Becca pulled a dagger from her boot. My eyes widened in fear and my feet stopped in their tracks as I realized that Becca was serious.

"I don't know what Peter sees in you." She slowly brought the end of the dagger up to her fingertip.

"That doesn't matter now. Once your'e dead he will finally realize that I am the one he is meant to be with." Her eyes held a crazy look and a ball of anger started to form in my stomach. I had to stay calm and not get myself killed.

"You don't need to kill me over this." I put my hands up in surrender and tryed to slowly walk closer to her agian.

"You're so god damn pathetic. How could he love such a miserable little human being like you." The anger started to grow and spread throughout my body.

"He loves me because we were meant to be together." I snapped at her and I suddenly realized that I really did love Peter. I was willing to forget what Charlie had said and take a leap of faith if it meant I would be with Peter.

"Oh, is that what he tells you? How sweet." She held up the dagger and began to slowly creep towards me. The edge of the cliff was still a few feet behind me.

"Killing me won't make him love you. I make him happy and if I'm dead it will destroy him." The hatred I was feeling was revealed through me voice.

"And how do you make him happy Emerald? Do you let him fuck you all night long?" My face twisted from the rage that was traveling through my veins.

"I think I understand why he stays with you, because you're his little slut." I couldn't control myself any longer. I lunged at her and tackled her to the ground.

I began clawing at her and she grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me off her. I tried to stand but Becca punched my face and I fell to the ground. I began crawling away and suddenly she was before me and kicking her boot repeatedly into my rib cage. Blood spattered out of my mouth as I desperately tried to breath between kicks. She bent over and pulled me up by my shoulders and punched me again. I brought my leg up and pushed her off of me. I tried to get up but I was still struggling for breath. I felt relief and confusion as I heard her footsteps walking away. Then I felt my tears slip from my eyes when I heard them returning. She stood above me as she held the dagger in her hand once again. She slowly crouched beside me and pressed her knee into my stomach. I struggled to get away but she was stronger than me.

"Now you die." She said as she raised the dagger.

"Get away from her!" I heard Holly yell as she emerged from the trees. Holly jumped at Becca put she easily shoved Holly away. Holly fell and hit her head on a rock.

"Holly!" I screamed as I suddenly saw the gleam of the dagger sink down into my shoulder. My scream grew louder from the pain.

"Nice aim." I said acerbically as I used my right arm to shove Becca off me. She rolled away and grabbed my ankle to pull me closer to her. She grabbed the dagger imbedded in my left shoulder and twisted it.

"JUST DIE ALREADY." She shouted as my scream rang out into the night. I heard Holly groan from where she hit her head and I knew I had to do something. I couldn't think clearly and my vision was beginning to blur. I slowly raised my right arm and punched Becca with all the strenght I had and the momentum caused her to fall off the cliff. She gripped my leg and I panicked as I slid across the dirt nearing the edge. I turned and dug my nails into the dirt in a desperate attempt to stay alive. My body slid over but my hands held a firm grip. Becca had let my leg go in the tumble and I saw the dark shape of her body hit the rolling waves below.

I screamed in agony from the burning in my left arm. I couldn't hold on much longer. My left had slipped and my body swung precariously off the ledge. I tried to lift my arm back up put the pain was to intense. I dropped my arm back down and the movement cause my body to rock and push against the rocky cliff side. The dagger pushed against the rock and dug deeper into my shoulder. I opened my mouth and I screamed. The scream felt like it was ripping my vocal chords as it escaped my lips. My hand slipped and I began to fall.

I saw the dark depths below and I knew that Peter wasn't going to save me this time. I blinked and when I opened my eyes, the waves were ready to engulf me. One last scream passed my lips and then everything went dark.


I'm sorry for the delay everyone! I have officially rewritten this chapter 5 times due to some weird error that keeps happening. But it's ok now!!

AND HOLY CRAP THIS STORY HAS OVER TWENTY THOUSAND READS THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I NEVER THOUGHT THAT MY LITTLE STORY WAS GOING TO GET THIS FAR!!! Really, I am eternally gratefull to all of you who have taken your time to read my story, it means the world to me.

I want to know what you guys think is going to happen next! Just to make it extra fun, I will message you if you're close!!

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