Chapter 7

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The next few days had seemed to pass by in a rather hazy blur. Peter had returned me to the camp and offered to let me sleep in his "treehouse", but i had quickly declined. The thought of sleeping so near to him frightened me a little, what if he was one of those creepy people that watch you while you sleep...

I had told Felix I would stay, but I would eventually have to get home, somehow.Peter had told me he wasn't ever going to let me go, which I assumed he meant leave, because otherwise it would imply that he... Nooo... He couldn't have feelings for me, in all honesty, he didn't really know me and I kinda-

"You look like your doing some intense thinking there." A girl perched herself next to me on the fallen down tree I was sitting on.

"Just trying to work something out in my mind. You know, figure some things out." I smiled over at the dark haired girl.

"I'm Holly." She spoke as she stuck out her hand towards me.

"Emerald." I took her hand and shook it, noticing how the blue of her eyes had a very light and cheery look to them.

"So, word around camp is that Pan is after you." She nudged against my arm with her shoulder.

"What? AFTER ME? Oh shit, what did I do??" My eyes widened as I felt fear creep into my body.

"No silly." She said as she laughed at my reaction.

"He wants you." She said in mockery seductive voice as she made an impression of his smirk.

"Oh." I felt relief wash over me.

"OHHHH." The panic set back when I realized what Holly meant. That was bad, that was very bad. He couldn't, he was not allowed to like me. NO WAY.

"You should be flattered." She smiled and nodded towards another girl.

"You see her, Becca, she's been after Pan since she got here. Follows him a around like a lost puppy, he pays no attention to her though."

Becca caught Holly and I looking at her and shot me a nasty look.

"Holly. Come here." She hollered over in our direction.

"It was nice to meet you Emerald. I'll see you around." She stood up and waved over shoulder at me and smiled.

It was nice to know that I was the last person to know anything. Living on Neverland wasn't going to be easy.


"Ugh." I let out a frustrated groan. I had circled the camp twice and I couldn't find Felix or Holly. I needed somebody to take me somewhere I could take a bath or something. Nobody seemed to be friendly towards me but Holly and Felix, well, and Pan, I guess. That was entirely different though.

I slumped down to the ground in defeat. I was covered in dirt and my floral skirt didn't look like floral anymore. My white blouse was no longer white and I didn't even want to know what my hair looked like.

I heard a soft laugh and looked up to see Peter looking at me from a nearby stump with an amused expression on his face. I did my best to ignore him an turned away from him. I curled into a tiny ball and stared at my converse. They had been new before I came here. Now they looked old, dirty, and all torn apart. I sighed in realization at what I had to do.

I stood to my feet and made my way towards Peter. His back was to me now, so I tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly spun around with an irritated look, but it melted away the second he realized it was me.

"Yes, lassie?" He raised an eyebrow at me expectantly. He almost seemed stunned that I had willingly come to him.

"Umm," I stammered as I dug the toes of my shoe against the ground.

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