Chapter 14

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"Pan." Felix said to me as he approached from behind.

"She's back." My heart skipped a beat at his words but I swallowed down my happiness. I turned around to face Felix.

"Just like I said she would." I spoke calmly as I began to head to the beach.


"Thank you, umm... Shadow thingy." I said to the shadow as it set me down on the beach.

It flew away into the night sky without even a glance back. I had cried myself to sleep in the shadow's arms on the way back. I figured I must look like an absolute mess. I crawled my way over to the water and stared at my reflection. My eyes were a little puffy but I looked decent. I leaned closer to inspect my eyes more carefully. They looked empty, dull, as if I had nothing left to live for. I laughed a little bit at the truth of that thought, I didn't have any reason to live anymore.

I stared down at my arm that I cut when I threatened Peter to take me home. It had scabbed over but it was definitely not healed. I wanted to rip it back open, so I could feel something. So I could feel alive. I saw a pointed rock a few feet away from me. I slowly crawled towards it and picked it up. I tossed it back and forth between my hands a few times. I lifted it up to the moonlight before I quickly brought it down to my arm and pressed it hard against the gash. It quickly began bleeding as I deepened the cut. I let out a small cry as a tear escaped from my eye.

I threw the rock away from me into the water. I stared at the blood that was quickly leaving my veins. I felt relief and the hurt of losing my mom didn't hurt so bad anymore. I leaned back onto the damp sand and stared at the moon. I let my head fall and I watched the sand around me slowly turn a dark red. I let my eyes close, would I die? Would the bleeding stop and I would live another day?

I heard footsteps approaching but I didn't have the motivation to even open my eyes.

"Em." The voice got me to open my eyes. I turned my head slowly to reveal an extremely concerned Peter.

I said nothing as I moved my head back to look at the moon. Peter was kneeling next to me in a second.

"Em, what did you do?" He was trying to sit me up but I was dead weight.

"It's pretty isn't it? The moon." I said lifelessly as Peter turned my face to look at him. I continued staring at the pale full moon.

"Em, look at me." I didn't respond.

"Em, please, look at me." I looked into his eyes, I saw the reflection of my lifeless eyes in his stunning green ones.

He gasped quietly at the dead look in my eyes. He whispered my name softly as he took my arm and inspected the damage I had done to myself. I had deepened the cut and brought it down the length of my arm to my wrist.

"Oh my god. Shit." He said as he saw the bloody sand underneath me.

He picked me up roughly and started to run through the woods. The dark outlines of tree branches blurred together. Peter looked down at me and I stared into his eyes. His eyes were filled with fear.

"Hold on Em, you're going to be ok. You will be alright." Peter said trying to convince me that I was going to be alright, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. His breaths came out in short gasps for air. My eyes started to blur and my breathing started to slow. I looked at Peter one last time as tears rolled down his face. My eyes started to close as Peter's voice filled my ears.

"No! Hold on! Don't leave me, please don't leave me! Em, don't leave me." The sound of his screams slowly became quieter as my vision darkened.

"Just let me die."


My eyes opened to bright white light. I slowly stood up and saw nothing but white. I was surrounded by endless white walls and lights above my head. The halls to my left and right seemed to go on forever. Was I dead?

"You're not dead."

I whipped around to the voice.

"Charlie?" I didn't understand what was happening.

"What's going on?" I walked closer to Charlie and he took my hands.

"Emmy, listen, we don't have much time." He looked me straight in the eyes.

"You need to get off Neverland and stay off. You don't know what is really-"

"But Charlie-"

"I need you to just listen." He said urgently.

"Peter is dangerous, Neverland is dangerous. You are not safe. Bad things are going to happen, you need to get yourself out now. He's going to kill you. I'm trying to find a way to get you out but it's going to take time. I'm trying so hard to save you Emmy."

"Charlie, I don't understand." Kill me? Peter wouldn't hurt me, would he? My head was spinning.

"We don't have time, I'm losing you. You're going to have to find me." He spoke fast and I was beginning to feel extremely dizzy.

"How do I do that?" I had to scream over the sound of the sudden wind that suddenly began violently whipping around us.

"Concentrate hard and think of me." He shouted back to me as he pulled me close to try to stop the wind from pulling us apart. He took my face and kissed me hard on the lips. I suddenly felt a pull in my stomach as I was ripped from Charlie's arms.

"I WILL SAVE YOU EMERALD!" He screamed as the wind pulled us away from each other.



I screamed his name as I was tumbling through the air down the endless hallway.

The hallway looked like it was ending as I sped toward a black abyss. I screamed as I braced myself for the impact.


I inhaled sharply as I sat up. I looked around me and realized I was in the treehouse. Peters voice startled me as I meant his icy glare.

"Who's Charlie?"


I apologize if this chapter was hard for anyone to read. I am not trying to glorify self harm in any way.

I have finals this week and next week but I will try to to write a chapter soon.

I love all your sexy faces!!

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