Everyone's afraid of something

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If you want to see the wedding, go to my book: Karushuu sexy time!!!Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I smiled as Karma jumped through the leaves, I'm glad I'm the only one who gets to see this side of him. It's fall, and during this time it gets darker faster so we're let out of our college classes earlier. But that also means we have to get home faster before all the thugs and gangs come out, but Karma wanted to stop. I stopped too to see what he wanted only to see him jumping and playing in the leaves. He looked he was having fun, but unfortunately I didn't want to get dirty in all that mud and leaves. Karma noticed this and smirked, but I didn't see him so when I looked up and he wasn't there it shocked and scared me. That was before he decided to push me face first into the mud, jump on my back, and laugh. I was mad at first but then after seeing his angelic face laughing I couldn't help but do the same as I shoved him off of me and into some more mud. We felt as though that was the perfect moment, but that was when a group of high schoolers walked by. "Hey gang, look at these brats playing in the mud!" Their leader as as him and his gang stalked towards us. Upon seeing their movements I grabbed Karma and pulled him towards me, holding him tightly. Seeing this their leader laughed "Haha! What are you boyfriends or something?" He asked as the rest of his gang laughed. "Come on Karma, let's get home and clean up, okay?" I murmur into his ear, he nods and we stand and start to walk away. I didn't want Karma getting into any fights, he's already been in 6 this week and I don't want him to get hurt anymore. "Aww, look at the little babies leaving, what's wrong red? Too scared of your boyfriend to fight us?" Their leader teased as Karma stopped. "Karma?" I asked but he just grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where the gang was standing. I was scared, not only because he could get hurt, but also because he wasn't talking or looking up to show his eyes. He only had a smirk on his face as I saw that it had started to rain. Karma pushed me a good distance behind him before looking up at the boys in front of us, their faces were covered in pure terror. Karma started to walk towards them as most ran while the rest coward in fear "Got anything else to say about my boyfriend?" He said in a deep and sinister voice that left shivers down my spine. "Karma? Karma, let's go" I said walking forward and grabbing at his jacket, he just looked back down as thunder struck next to his foot making us both jump back. He suddenly looked at me with wide eyes as he started shaking "Jakey! I'm scared of lightning!" One of the remaining gang members cried to their leader as he shoved him off. "Get off me Brook and run!!!" He said as they all ran away from us, thunder blaring after them. I laughed "Ha! See that Karma, everyone's afraid of something, even lightning" I said with a triumphant voice as I looked at him. But then I saw his face, he was crying and he looked scared, he was afraid of storms too. I could only hum once he buried his face into my chest "let's go home, k?" I say picking him up and starting to walk.
Karma's p.o.v.
I shivered as Gakushuu brought me some hot chocolate, I hope I don't get sick from being in that rain. But Gakushuu's main concern was me constantly looking out the window and jolting whenever thunder or lightning flashes. He held me in his arms and I knew he suspected something but kept quiet for my sake. Truth be told, I lost control, it was Void, he wanted to teach those guys a lesson but I guess the thunder stopped both of us. I smiled and leaned into Gakushuu's embrace, at least we found another one of his weaknesses. Gakushuu and I just sat in the comfortable silence, he started rocking back and forth trying to get me to sleep but instead, he put himself to sleep. I smiled, he once again kept himself up all night in concern over me. I picked him up and took him to our bedroom before heading back down and into the kitchen for a snack. That's when I noticed Gakushuu's notebook again, I only ever read it once and I got a snack to the head and a warning of punishment when he caught me reading it. ' But Gakushuu isn't exactly here right now so he can't hit me ' I thought to myself as I opened the notebook and flipped to the most recent page in there.
I'm starting to question if Void is back or not. Karma's not telling me anything and I'm becoming scared, maybe he's tired of me. Yeah, maybe if... I thought it over and I think we're ready for it. I'll go get them tomorrow to surprise him, but I don't know which ones to get. Those 2 come in a package while the other is a year older and would be easier to-
My reading was cut off by Gakushuu starting to suck a hickey into my neck. "Didn't I tell you I would give you a punishment worth remembering if I ever catch you looking in this book again" he said huskily into my ear. I moaned and fell into his touch as he left a dark purple hickey on my sweet spot. I nodded in fear as he laughed, he picked me up again "You're lucky I'm too tired or you wouldn't be able to walk for a month" he said before placing us in the bed. We sat awake for a while, I was thinking about what I saw while Gakushuu was making sure I went to sleep. I soon began to feel tired and snuggled into Gakushuu's chest as his strong arms wrapped around me. "I'll never get tired of you, so don't worry about me leaving" I said as I heard his breath hitch. I smiled before I started to fade into the darkness of my mind, turns out everyone truly is afraid of something.

Well the new book is out and a chapter is up, I hope you guys had a good time reading this. I really enjoyed writing it Devildog: It's going down for real!!! Me: NO! SPOILERS!!! Devildog: 0_0

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