MOAR FILLER/ Starting a war

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Hey guys, I know you guys wanted some more chapters, but you guys get *surprise* more filler!!? What would you guys like to see in the next chapter? Would you guys like some Void? I'm probably just going to do void anyway because that's what I had originally intended, but I'll still take the comments anyway, enjoy the filler.
Nagisa's p.o.v.
Once we put the kids to bed I couldn't help but feel nervous, like something bad was about to happen.

Now, I could just be paranoid with everything that's going on, like perhaps... My best friend in the world being taken over by a bloodthirsty cannibalistic demon that's bent on killing me, all of our friends,and basically everyone else on this Earth? Well if you guessed that you guessed correct! Right on the head of the nail I might add! Come on ladies and gentlemen let's give this person their prize!! .... I'm sorry, when ever I'm angry, sad, or nervous I usually end up acting like Karma.

Which always means his never ending sarcasm; I mean seriously, that man has a sarcastic remark for everything, but we're getting off topic. Everyone looked a bit freaked out and antsy, but my lovely wife Kayano looked the worse out of everyone. You think I'm just saying this because she's my wife, but I'm serious, she looks like she's about to cough up a lung and then start singing show tunes.

Once everyone had settled back down in the living room I led her away into the kitchen and eyed her, I couldn't see anything visibly or physically wrong with her. I put my hand on her shoulder and tilted her head up to face me "Kayano, dear, what's wrong?" I ask as she shook her head, I gave her a Stern glare which she fought against for a while until she collapsed into my arms, a crying mess. 

"I'm sorry Nagisa, with everything that's been going on I've been paranoid and feeling as though we're being watched and it's been really messing with my head" she rambled until I cut her off. "Okay, you pointed out what we've all been feeling, but what are you nervous about?" I asked as she put her head down again, not wanting to face me when she says what she needs to.

"Nagisa i-" she was suddenly cut off by Terasaka in the living room, we both turned to each other and gave a nod, a motion that we would talk about this later, before running into the living room. There on the TV was the news, stating that a house close by was on fire, a bigger fire than anyone's ever seen, I look at them in wonder if what's so great.

Nakamura saw this look and pointed to the house on screen "Look at the house Nagisa" was all she said before I took in all of the details ​of the house and gasped, that was Karma and Gakushuu's house. "Oh my God, we have to get ov-" Kayano was saying but was cut off (Kayano: God damnit! Me: Sorry) by my phone ringing, it was from an unknown number.

I picked it up, I immediately heard panting and running from the other end "Nagisa? Nagisa, thank God you picked up!" The voice on the other end said, wait, I recognized that voice.

I gasped in realization, it was Ren's fiancé, Rosanna "Wait, Rosanna!? How did you get this number?" I ask only to here the footsteps get faster "Not important, just know that I had already checked Karma and Gakushuu's house, there were no bodies anywhere so they had to have gotten out, but when I tracked their DNA they weren't anywhere in the area! I don't know where they are, but I know you have the kids and you need to get them and bring them to the mountain as fast as you can before he gets them!!" She explained and hung up immediately afterwards so I couldn't ask any questions.

The phone was on speaker the entire time so everyone was looking between each other with scared faces just as we all heard an upstairs window break. Karasuma and I were the first to break from the trance and ran upstairs just as we heard Karen's screams be cut off, even if we were a couple seconds faster it wouldn't matter. By the time we got there the room was an empty mess, Karasuma ran to the broken window and looked out side, only to curse when he couldn't find anyone or anything in sight.

I sunk to my knees and noticed something, it was my old notebook I had during our E-class days, only this time it was open to a specific page. On this page there was a picture of the entire class, but instead of being clean and neat like I left it, it was crooked and torn up. That wasn't the thing that disturbed me, what disturbed me was the fact that was all had numbers above our heads in red marker, Karma was 1, Kayano was 2, I'm 3, and the list goes on and on.

Karasuma saw I was staring at something and walked over to joined me, that's when he pointed out that karma had his eyes crossed out and that Kayano was circled. That's when it hit both of us, they planned to take us all out one by one,and Kayano was next; we both swore that we wouldn't tell the others yet, not until we get everything in order as it would only cause more fear and chaos.

We hid the book and started making our way downstairs, except when we reached the bottom stair where everyone was waiting for us I got a text. I immediately pull my phone out thinking it's Rosanna here to give us more answers, but this number isn't the same one Rosanna called from, this number is just 666. I froze and held it out for everyone to see as I opened them, there were 3 in total.

"You may have won the first battle," read Bitch-sensei from the first text, Karasuma read the second "But you initiated a war" was what it said. We all held out breath as the 3rd text loaded up and the moment we saw it I threw my phone and we all ran out the door to the mountain.

Extra: 3rd person's p.o.v.
If you took the time to look back you would see a phone glitching and spazzing out on the floor, but the problem wasn't the phone,but what was on the screen itself. There in the open texts messages, was a single text open with 3 words and a symbol. These words read "With Love, Void" and the symbol, well that was just a winky face. ;)

Okay, I think I did pretty good, but whatever. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, b-byeeee!!!

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