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3rd person's p.o.v.
It was dark and cold, and the feeling of being suppressed was almost more than he could take. If he'd had to put into words how he was feeling, Karma would have said it was like being caught in a strong wind. It was penetrating and cold, getting into every inch of him whilst making him feel like he was being forced this way and that. It was strange.

There were no physical signs of what was happening within, yet Karma had never felt like he was losing a fight against his own body as much as right now. Must have been only gone for a few minutes, but he was worried, really worried. He didn't fully know what happened to Gakushuu, he didn't presently know where his kids were, he didn't even really know where he was either. Now, there was literally no clue as to what was going on in his own head.

He could now feel Void more than ever. Something about the serum had forcefully pushed the creep to keep rising to the surface. So forcefully that Karma could feel the intense strain and hurt in his body even though he wasn't even the one in control of it.

The one thing that kept Karma sane was the fact Zero was there, even though the man himself was dangerous and insane, he did say he wanted a family of his own so that meant he wouldn't let Void at the kids and Gakushuu, not yet at least.

Although, whilst that might have kept his family safe, it just meant that Karma was left to battle him by himself. Plus when Zero wasn't around Void could do anything he wanted and could easily get away with it and while that is just as scary it gets worst.

When Void couldn't torment the rest of the family by using Karma's body or voice, it meant that he could turn back on Karma and possibly join and torture him in his mind. Karma's resistance was clearly stronger than Void had been expecting, if the way Karma's struggling had suddenly clearly intensified was anything to go by.

Before, Karma had much more control over his own body, but he did still have a slight wariness regarding what was going on inside of him. It was how he had managed to delay the attack on Rosanna, how he had forced his body to tire faster after attacking his father and mother in the cafe.

But now, it was as if Void had decided that he had done enough by screwing up his plans. Being forced to keep the battle internal thanks to the serum, the maniac was clearly trying to make sure that when he awoke, he would be the one in charge. But whilst he may have been possessing Karma's mind, that didn't stop the redhead from thinking for himself as well.

There was something almost demanding in the way Void was attempting to drive him into a corner and keep him there. It was obvious that he couldn't cast Karma out of his own mind, but he seemed to be trying to make damn sure the man didn't fight back any longer.

There had always been this type of suppression, but not to this extent, maybe he was trying to force the same pressure back on to Karma like Karma had done to him for so long.

Karma felt as if he was being cornered, but there was no way that the ginger was about to give up fighting. Void himself may not have anything to lose, but Karma did. He knew that if he gave in, his whole family would be destroyed quicker than he would even be able to think "No". He had to keep focused, had to make the man decide that this was too much trouble.

So he had taken the corner he had been forced into and made it his own. It was still dark and cold, but Karma refused to budge and judging by the way the pressure had increased again, Void had seemed to realise it as well.

If he was honest, Karma wasn't completely sure how long he would be able to keep fighting for. It would be nothing to do with giving up, but simply him running out of energy. Void didn't seem to be relenting any time soon or in the future, and it was making him feel weary.

Karma blanked, feeling disconnected as he had approached the door that had randomly and floated right through it. He blinked and took a good look around. At first, he saw nothing but murky emptiness and darkly wondered if he'd used up all the love he'd felt in his heart fight against Void.

Now, there wasn't anything left but this dark, gray nothingness. It was a sobering thought, but he still couldn't bring himself to feel any emotion over it. It was as if he was an outsider, merely observing rather than living any of it anymore.

Karma shook his head, no, no, he needed to stay awake. He needed to help take control when the time came; he knew Gakushuu would come for him as he did before. But then the thought struck Karma, what if Gakushuu didn't come to get him, what if he didn't want him anymore.

You may think he was being emo or trying to make the situation more dramatic, but this wasn't the case. Karma was awake, awake when he heard Gakushuu moan when Zero kissed him, he saw his eyes flutter closed when Zero kissed him, he enjoyed it and would probably rather have Zero more than him.

Little did Karma know that Void was only on the edge of leaving his mind and could still hear Karma's thoughts and decided he would have a little fun before leaving his mind for good.

Void smirked with a chuckle as he surrounded Karma's mind with images of the kiss, side shots, close ups, any memory he could get his currently metaphorical hands on and he only chuckled as he watched Karma break before taking his exit out of Karm-... His, mind.

Knock. Knock?

Devildog: who's there?

Me: No one because Gakushuu's gone and Karma's broken.

Devildog: No one because Gakushuu's gone and Karma's broken who?

Me: *Face palm* Anyways, comment down below your thoughts and opinions on what's happening and I'll see you all in the next chapter b-byeeee!!!!!

Devildog: Who?

Me: God Damnit!!

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