Final filler (... I don't have a title)

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Yay!! Final filler time!! ... At least, I think this is the final one. I'm not sure if I need to explain what happens to everything else in the filler, but we'll see what happens when the time comes. Anyway... I also don't have a title for this!!! So enjoy the chapter from a p.o.v. you've never seen before!!!
Rosanna's p.o.v.
I sniffle a bit and wipe the sweat off of my forehead, it was really hot in my basement for some reason. Yup, you heard me right, I'm in my basement working on little brews and such.... Wait. Maybe I shouldn't word it like that actually, people would start suspecting that I'm a witch, whom I am not! Witches use icky stuff in their 'Cauldrons', while I use my in homemade chemicals in a gumbo pot.

I learned the hard way not to use your chemical as a cooking pot... I got stuck as a parrot for a week and missed out on my anniversary with Ren, of course I made it back up to him but still. Anyway,back to the main topic of the situation, again, I am not a witch, but a sorceress; and instead of putting curses on and hexing random people I help my friends. But now is not the time to be talking, I am performing a very special experiment that requires pure silence and lots of concentration. I put on my safety goggles and got real close to the cauldr- Pot! I got real close to the pot, so I can carefully make sure I only put 2 drops of the formula into my concoction.

The smell of the pot as I got closer was burning my nose and probably some nose hairs, but it was worth it. I eventually got so close that my eyes started to water through the goggles, but I continued on until my nose was touching the rim of the pot and my hand was the only thing keeping me up and steady as I crouched near the pot. I slowly eased the formula filled turkey baster over the pot and gently lowered it down so the tip was only an inch away from the liquids inside. I could feel my body start to shake from the tension and suspense of the situation, but I had to calm myself and do this correctly and properly. I took in a deep breath and relaxed my fingers as I gently squeezed the end of the baster over the pot, watching as one drop fell from it's top and into the liquids, making it turn a pinkish color.

I felt my heart stop and I waited a moment before deciding that the mixture had settled and was ready for the final dosage of the formula. I took in another deep breath and started to feel a slight pain in my chest from in taking all of this air, but not releasing any. I shook my head, I had to do this before I got any relaxation; I repeated the same procedures I did with the first dosage and prepared for the second. I gently squeezed the end of the baster for a second time and watched as the drop fell from it's top and into the pot as the liquids inside of the pot turned a yellowish white. Once i watched it settle I gently and slowly stepped back from the pot and once I was a reasonable distance away, I let out all of the air and my body and gave a shaky laugh, one that blew into full on excited laughter.

I did it! I did it! Suddenly my laughter was cut short by Ren bursting through the basement door, yeah... Ren kind of found out what I was by accident, but that a story for another time. "Rosanna we have to get the others now!" He yelled as I got confused "Why? Ren what's happening?" I ask, but he doesn't answer me, just grabs my elbow and drags me upstairs and points to the TV. On the screen I see a house, but not just any house, it was Karma and Gakushuu's house; there was a news reporter there stating what could have probably caused the fire, but I grimaced. She doesn't know, nobody in the world knows what's coming, only we do and we've done barely anything but weaken him. Ren caught my attention once again, he tapped my shoulder "Rose, look" he said as he pointed to the side of the house that was almost not able to be see by the camera.

There was a burn mark on the wall that seemed like it had already been put out by the firemen, but left a giant message in it's ashes. It read "5 taken down, only 30 more to go. I think it's high time we start the real show", I read aloud. Ren made a face at me and the screen "Did he have to make it rhyme? And why did you help him make it sound so good and mysterious?" He asked as he scrunched his nose. I nearly faced palmed at his questions, sometimes I really and truly did question why I loved this idiot, even why I let him go out with me in the first place. I shook away these thoughts and took my turn grabbing Ren's elbow and leading him back into the basement, I took him next to the pot.

"Rose, what are we doing?" He questioned, I just shook my head "Shut up and trust me, just take time off these and fill them up with the stuff in the pot" I instructed, handing him some of the plastic lanterns we used for New year's "I was wondering where these went" was the only thing he said as he did what I told him. Soon they were all full and glew from the light they shown from the chemicals, they would actually look really pretty if they weren't explosive.

I put them all inside of my satchel and grabbed Ren's hand as I ran is out of the house and in the direction of the mountain as fast as we could

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I put them all inside of my satchel and grabbed Ren's hand as I ran is out of the house and in the direction of the mountain as fast as we could. We are on limited time, but we need to assess a plan first on how we're going to deal with this. I yelled at Ren to give me my phone out of the front pocket of the satchel, he did it without hesitation and I immediately called Gakushuu only for it to go to voicemail. "Shit!" I yell and dial in the number for Nagisa's ​phone that I know from snooping through Ren's phone, but don't tell him that. I quickly gave Nagisa the message and he said that him and the others were on their way to the mountain. I could only hope that we can all make it in time, and that Karma, Gakushuu, and the kids could hold out for any longer.

Yay! You guys got a view from Rosanna's point! Let's see what happens next, but don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!

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