Magic untold

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Gakurei's p.o.v.
This plan was so simple I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. Once Karen let out a cry from her "boo boo" I had to, once again, put on the defenseless 3 year old act. I put down the Nook tablet I was reading on and slowly proceeded my walk over to where all the adults were fussing over her, curse these tiny legs. Once I was over I saw Karen was really making a show of it, even adding the snot factor that had all the women awwing, I will admit I was always jealous of my sister's acting skills. "We want to help!" I heard my older brother cry, I turned to see Hunter jumping up and down a bit while raising his hand like he was at school. He glanced at me mid jump in order to motion for me to get into the act as well. I took it kindly and waddled my way up to uncle Isogai's leg and tugged on his pants as he looked from Hunter to me, from Hunter's jumping and waving to my pulling and nodding. At everything going on all at once he sweatdropped​ and nodded his head, forgetting the fact that we probably wouldn't even be able to reach the shelf where the medical supplies are. Hence why they're on that shelf in the first place, so us "kids" couldn't reach them and mess with them. "Okay, why don't you two run upstairs and into the hall bathroom, the medical supplies should be there on the shelf" he explained before going back to the other adults and discussing what they should do as makeshift until they could get the supplies. Wow, he just stated the entire problem with the scenario and it just went over his head didn't it? Well, I guess it was better this way anyway, right? I looked at Hunter and we both nodded at each other before sending a telepath thanks to Karen as we ran off. The telepath thing came up a while ago, we all ran across it during our time in the orphanage and I guess it comes in handy that we have it. I don't really remember how we got these powers, I say powers as we all at least have 1 alongside telepathy. I think Hunter has some recollection of the experience though, all I remember is that something bad was happening near the orphanage... Or something bad connecting to us while we were in the orphanage? Well, whatever, all I know is that there was a lady who said we were in danger and boom, gave us these awesome powers; and since I know most of you want an explanation, I'll hand it off to Hunter.
(*Forth wall cracks*)
Hunter's p.o.v.
So I heard Hunter handed the explanation of our powers off to me, huh?
(*Wall cracks again*)
What was that? Hmm.... Well, anyway, our powers are pretty simple. It happened during one of the stormy nights at the orphanage.
(Flash back: few months before adoption)
I, being my normal rebellious self, was sneaking around the orphanage and into the kitchen to steal some cookies. I was almost there too, when a lightning strike decided it didn't like my plans and chose to scare the shizzle nuggets out of me. Of course this didn't knock me off my objective too much, only surprised me some.... A lot. I was just about to be on my way back to the kitchen when 2 smaller head collided with my stomach, knocking us all to the floor. I quietly groaned from the fall and looked down to see what the weight was that was pinning me to the floor. What I got was a red headed girl with blue eyes and and blonde boy with green eyes staring back at me. It was a staring contest between the 3 us for a while, but it immediately ended when another chunk of lightning fell from the sky, scaring the two smaller so much that they hid their heads in my chest. I looked down at them with more sympathy than annoyment even though it was still there. "What? You guys scared of thunder?" I asked as they peeked back up at me with tears and snot running down their faces, ew, I'm gonna have to ask Ms. Mary to wash this shirt. I got 2 answers in response "No" "Yes..." The boy blushed at the exposure from the girl, but still kept his composure. "Well... Fine, okay, yes we are, but we were really running from a monster" he explained with a fearful nod from the both of them. I smiled at this, "Well let's see what this monster is? I bet I can take him" I said with a triumphant grin as I stood all of us up. The girl suddenly started to cry again while the boy pointed fearfully behind me, I looked behind me to see the biggest and scariest shadow I have ever seen in my life.

 The girl suddenly started to cry again while the boy pointed fearfully behind me, I looked behind me to see the biggest and scariest shadow I have ever seen in my life

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It stared at us with glowing red eyes as it was notified of our location. It was as if the world had been put on pause for that very moment before pressing fast forward as the shadow ran towards at us at an impossible speed. I could only step in from of the two smaller children and hope I buy them enough time to run away, when a purple light made the shadow explode. We all look towards the source only to see a woman that looks like link from Legends of Zelda, holding her hand in the direction of where the shadow once was, the purple light fading into her hand. She was staring at the spot, almost as if she didn't notice us at first, but then she turned her head an inch and went into full mother hen mode. "Omg you guys are so cute! Wait oh god, are you hurt? Any of you? Did that thing hurt you? Did I hurt you? I swear I didn't mean to, I just didn't see yo-" I cut off her rambling. "No, no, we're fine, really. You actually saved us in fact, but can we ask what was that thing?" I ask as the two smaller children nod in agreement. The woman looks conflicted at first but then she sighs in defeat "That... That was a wraith, a shadow creature that feeds on the souls and happiness of any living creature it spots, once it sees a victim it's never seen it makes sure it goes after you. If it doesn't catch you it puts you in the the database, which is practically information central for all mythical creatures like myself, but now you're faces and location will be all the wraiths search for and... God I haven't done this in a while but I'm going to have to give you guys magic to defend yourselves" she explained as we all star in shock. "Wait wraiths!?" "Mythical creatures!?" "Magic!!" The boy and I stare at the girl in shock that the magic part of the conversation was the only thing she heard. The woman looked exasperated "Look I'll explain it to you all later when we meet again, but this place is currently surrounded by wraiths and they're piling up at the moment so we need to do this now so I can lead them away, this might be painful" she said as she made her hand glow purple again. "Woah, woah, woah, is there like.. a non-painful way of doing this?" I ask standing in front of the younger 2 again. She looks a little surprised, but then gasps and nods her head as she pulls out a pen and notepad "yes, okay, I need names" she says pointing the pen at us with her tongue out a bit on the corner of her mouth. The 3 of us look at each other before back at her, we had no other choice "Hunter" I said loud enough "Gakurei" the boy said in a pouting manner "Karen" the girl whispered timidly. "Okay perfect" the woman exclaimed before make the pen disappear and putting the notepad away, she then snapped her finger as medallions appeared on our necks. These medallions give you all telepathy; Hunter has teleportation, Gakurei has invisibility, and Karen, you can shrink to the size of an ant. You may be wondering why I didn't give you any offensive powers, well that's because I don't even want to think about you guys getting hurt fighting, but I can tell that your parents will never allow that to happen" she said as we gawk at her. "Wait, you're saying we're still going to get adopted, even with what's happening now?" Gakurei asked shocked. "I'll leave that as a surprise" she said before plucking and hair from each of our heads and adding it to a broom she summoned as she hopped on it. "Well I got to go lead these things away from here, better get back to your room before your caretaker wakes up, it's almost dawn, bye!!" And like that she was gone
(Flash back: over)
And that was how we all got our powers and came to know each other to this day, cool right?

Well that's all I got. Comment below your thoughts opinions on the chapter though!!!

Devildog: HONEY, I'M HOME!!


Devildog: man, do you know how long it took me to practice that!?
(Flash back to his house)
Devildog: HOME, I'M HONEY!!
(Flash back: over)

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