Apologies and promises

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Karma's p.o.v.
I groggily opened my eyes and saw that I was chained to a chair. I was back on the island, I was back In that fucking lab. I whimpered and started to struggle in my chains but it was no use. "Ha, even you can give up" a too familiar voice said from the shadows "Void! What are you doing? Let me go!" I yell struggling some more. Another chain suddenly shot from the chair and wrapped around my neck, I started to choke and gasp for air. "Aww, I'm sorry Akabane but I can't allow that, not after what you pulled today" he said walking closer to me and gliding his hand across my face. My eyes narrowed at him "Wh-w..what are you-ch.... Going t-to do?" I asked through my suffocation.  "Why, I'll tell them your deepest and darkest secrets of course" he said like it was the most obvious answer in the world. I gasp, well, I wheezed and started to struggle some more but it wasn't much since I was fading in and out if consciousness. Seeing this as a problem Void raised his hand and the chain suddenly loosened from my neck, but it was still there to hold me in place. "You can't! Stop! Let me go!" I yelled but all he did was laugh and snap his fingers as what was like a bike helmet fell from no where. "What? You're gonna bike me to death?" I mocked him which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do at the moment. But Void seemed to enjoy it, was that a good or bad thing? He laughed and laughed and laughed, but he suddenly went serious. I think that has to be the scariest thing about him, how he can switch moods in the blink of an eye. He slowly moved closer, as if to scare me more than he already was; which it was. That was the thing about Void, although were practically the same person he could always find some way to tell us apart, or force us. Though Void may seem like the bad guy, he wasn't always this way, I just wish I knew what I did wrong that made him turn like this. "You still don't know, huh? After all these years you still don't know the thing that makes me hate our very existence!?" He screamed furious. His face was red with rage for a second before he broke into laughter but he was also crying at the same time. "Did? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me, m-maybe I can do something to fix i-" "No! There is no fixing what happened and has already been done! The only thing left to do is pay for your crimes!!" He yelled at me slamming the helmet on to my head. "Now you can relive the moment you hurt me on repeat, over and over and over again" he growled pressing a button on a remote. The helmet turned on with a shock that electrocuted me to the point where I was foaming at the mouth. I then could see my memories playing through my eyes, it was scary at first but then I truly started to pay attention to what was happening.
(14 years ago: Karma was 8)
I was at the park playing, well more like sitting on the swings. Mother was on the phone with one of her clients fighting about how it shouldn't matter of a boy participates in a beauty pageant. It was pretty boring for me to hear, but I did hear some mother say some funny words. I basically made up my own meaning for them since I didn't know what they originally meant. But now I know that they were bad since I walked up to a pretty lady and her son and... Called her the B-word. But yeah, she told mother and mother wasn't very pleased but she did call the lady the B-word back anyway so I guess I did good. Mother bought me ice cream afterwards too! So now I only say those words when I'm angry in general or telling someone off. It was lonely here by myself, but most kids were scared of me, or their parents heard about what happened with my mother and told their kids to stay away. So now I was the social outcast like always, but that was when he showed up. He sang a beautiful song, will you sing it again?
He showed me a new game, it was called 20 questions. It was where you and someone else take turns asking each other questions and learn about each other. We talked and learned so much about each other, so much I bet by the end we had just played 80 questions. I learned his name was Light, he was my age, he liked the color blue, and liked strawberries like me! We had so much in common. We're going to be friends forever!! Please sing your song again, please?
Mother said I have to say goodbye Light. She said I was too old and proper for an imaginary friend. I know your here and I told her that but she said you're fake and shouldn't be here. What!? No Light! It's not like that! N-... Stopp!!.. Stop it.... I don't want you here... I don't-......want.... listen anymore!! SSSSTTTTOOOPPPPP!!!!! please....
"Mother said I'm here because I was a bad boy. I told her that it was Light but she didn't believe me" "Right can you describe this... Light?" "I-I can't" "Why not?" "He's changed, he doesn't want me to talk to you" "Oh? When did he say that?" "Right now" "He's here? Can you point me to where he is?" "He's next to you, he wants you to stop talking" "Why?" "He's about to play his song" "Oh? Wh-" "N-no Stop!" "Karma... I don't appreciate you interrupting m-" "He SaYing ShUt Up!" "NURSE! NURSE! GET IN HE-" "I SAID SHUT UUUUPPPP!!!!!" "...." "*sob* *hic* *hic* I warned you... I tried to warn you... B-but no one, no one ever listens. Void you need to leave"

"Look there he is! Get him!"
"Oh my god look at what he's done!"

"Void is b-bad. I'm good... He hurts... I h-help... I'll stay and he'll l-leave"

"Restrain him! Restrain him now!!"

"I-I promise.... I-im not crazy... I'm just... Sick"

Awwww! Poor baby Karma, I made his life so sad. But it's for the plot so... Sorry Karma!! At least void left baby Karma alone.

Extra scene:
Void's p.o.v.
I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I just wanted you to understand. I didn't mean to break you, but I promise, I'll put you back together. It may not be now, but I promise... Someday. I looked at him one more time as he twitched again from the electric shock the helmet was causing. My time was limited, I had to do this now and fast. Maybe if I do this, you'll understand. Maybe if I do this I'll see how you feel... Maybe if I do this, we'll both learn how to keep our promises.

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