Nearing the end

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
By the time I got onto the roof it was in every way a battle field. There were a lot of guards, all having a unique weapon of their own as they battled against my friends. I could only gasp in surpris as I was tossed across the roof once more, the air knocked out of me as I could only wheeze when I stood. "W-what am i? A soccer ball to you?" I voiced glaring across the roof at Zero while he scowled at me, but then, oddly enough, he smiled. It was a sick and twisted smile, but a smile no less "You... you want to know my problem!? My problem is you! Your love! Your heart! Why don't you love me!?! After all I've done for your worthless ass! I gave you a place to call home! I brought your bastard children! I even killed you jackass husband to do it! Why won't you love me!?" He screamed as he pulled out a gun and frantically shot at me through the tears in his eyes.

"Zero this obsession of yours is unhealthy, I never even met you before yet your saying you dedicated your life to me!?! You never gave me a home, but a prison, not to mention you replaced my children with robots!? What kind of life. Is. That!?" I yelled taking out a gun that had just slid over to the box I was crouching behind. It was pretty convenient and in my favor all in all, but I didn't truly think about this as I started firing back at Zero. The first 2 shots barely clipped him, but the third hit him right in the chest; I thought he was dead by then, or at least injured enough to stop, but he... he just laughed. Zero was just shot dead set in the chest, yet he stood there laughing like someone told the funniest joke in the world. Zero's black hair was matted and puffed up with all of the wind and blood, his bright red eyes were dilated to the point where you could only see the black specks in his eyes. I... I knew... this look. The look he had on his face was just lik- "Ah! So it seems as though you've begun piecing things together, haven't you darling!?" Zero yelled across the windy rooftop "No! It can't be possible! There's no way he could have possibly had a-!" "Son!?!?Ahahahahahahaha!! Yes!! Yes. I. Am. I'm the son of Takashima Trevor! Otherwise known as Dr. Trevor, who'd you think that little prodigy was anyway, huh!? But hey," he trailed off as he grabbed his wound and stepped closer to me.

I tried shooting at him again, but the gun was out of bullets and I could only struggle and scowl as he backed me against the wall "Imagine how I felt when, oh you know? I found out he was dead? It wasn't the usual death, oh no.. my father was an amazing man, and I feel he deserved an amazing death suitable for a scientist of his stature. Then to find out he died like a coward cause of some pesky middle schoolers, ha! Never thought that I would see the day! But that's no matter to me now! I think I've had enough of this fun for now, it's time to get down to business!" Zero calls out then snaps his fingers. Once he does this a horde of these... things seem to come out of no where, they were all different but from the looks of them I've seen them all before, they were the experiments from the island. They grabbed everyone and held us tightly as Zero cackled at our easy capture "Ahh, now there's a sight I like to see, pain, fear, and despair on people's faces.

Hm, I wish it was like this more often, but, it doesn't have to be this way for you my love, if you join me I'm willing to chart up your little uprising as a small mistake on account of you being too stupid to comprehend what you were actually doing" he said giving out his supposedly 'charming' smile. I growled at him and could only pray that looks could kill, unfortunately my wish had gone unheard at the time, but maybe, hopefully I the future. "Go to hell!" I yell as his smile grows wider at the statement "Been there, done that, got the power!!" He laughed again as we all grimaced "Well I gave you a choice, so it seems you might have to die with the rest of your little army, but don't worry, I'll take care of your beautiful children, maybe even bring them up in my image" Zero chuckled to himself. I opened my mouth to say something, but that's that's that's door to the roof slammed open "Think again you bully!" I heard a voice scream and there was my kids, Karen, Hunter, and Gakurei.

They were standing side by side with Hunter towering over them a bit, but what caught my attention was what was in Gakurei's hand, in it he held a green duffel bag. Karen smiled at me and waved before reaching inside the bag and pulling out a golden orb "Take this you big meanie! Give us back our mommy and daddy!!" Karen yelled throwing the ball towards Zero. Void ran to intercept it, but ended up get to hit with it instead causing lighting to flash all across his body as he was frozen in place, screaming as the electric bolts flooded his nerves. "Electric paralysis balls, nice" was Zero's only comment before another ball was thrown, missing him and hitting the experiments that held some of us. "Dad! Hit the monsters while their stuck!" Hunter called out to me while a gave him as I gave him a thankful stare and nodded before I relayed the message to the others. "What no!? Dont do that! You. Little. Brats!!!" Zero practically screeched as he launched himself at the kids who scattered and tossed the bag to Irina, who threw a ball and passed the bag on.

This was no things continued while we were fighting and the kids were being chased around, doing things like this brought up memories, bad memories of the island, and how I almost lost Karma and now im about to do it again. It all plays out like it too, Karma gets sick, then kidnapped, experimented on, and then we have this whole battle scene on a roof, the only thing missing from the situation is- "Gakushuu!! I know know to fix Karma!!" There it is.

Hey hey hey guys!! One more chapter left and everything will be back to normal!!!.... what? Do you guys not believe me? I promise this time things will go back to normal normal, but no spoilz!!! Anyway, don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the final chapter!! B-byyeee!!!

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