Learning The truth

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Karma's p.o.v.
I stared at the door, watching as the light under it got brighter then darker with each breath I took. As if it was pulsing to match my own heart beat. This was obviously a trap, one that I will not be stupid enough to fall for; kind of ironic that I would trap my own mind. I sigh and shake my head at the sad excuse of a trap before turning around, my eyes still closed, but ended up running into a wall. I grunt and my eyes shoot open to see if I had taken a wrong turn of anything, but the wall in front of me was... just, wall. I turn to the left to find another exit, only to find the same wall there, the same happened when I turned to the right. I sigh to myself again, I guess my only choice is to go through that door, I turn around again to start walking back just to find the door right in my face. I yelped in shock and fell to the ground on my butt, I looked at the door, the same pulsing light followed. I shook my head and stood up from the ground, brushing off my clothes, I know I have to, but I can't help but want to get away from this door; like I'm about to find out something I really don't want to know.

I bit my lip and braced myself though,  this was the only way that I could see Gakushuu, Gakurei, Hunter, and Karen again. I pushed open the door and stepped through only to find my self outside again, I looked around think this was a trick when I suddenly hear screams. I rush towards them thinking I could help, but only to slow to a stop when I come upon an orphanage; these screams, they weren't screams of terror, they were of cheerfulness and laughter. Why am I here? I look around the yard of happy children, trying to find an adult to tell me where I was when I paused on a small red headed boy in the corner of the yard under a tree. He looked so sad and lonely over there, why didn't any of the kids ask him to play? Was there something wrong with him or something? I then had the sudden urge to call the boy over and get his attention, but then realised that the other kids would see me and look at me as a pedophile and I didn't want this. But it turns out that I didn't need to call his name, he had turned to look at me himself, and that's when I saw his eyes, they were molten gold like mine... this was me.

The younger me stared for a more seconds like he was trying to see if I was really there or not, before he went back to talking to someone in the tree. I raised an eyebrow, deciding it wasn't worth it and continued looking for some adults when one was heading inside. "Hey!" I call out to her, but she ignored me and continued on her way, I scoff "Rude" I start to grumble to myself before I see 2 more adults heading my way "Hey! Can I get a Lott help here!?" I call out to them, but they ignore me just like the lady does. I huff and stop my feet, probably look in like a child who doesnt get their way, but i didn't care at the moment, all i really wanted was some help to do out where i am.

I huffed and walked in the middle of the sidewalk so the men had no choice but to stop, I didn't expect them to walk straight through me though, what!? I looked down at my hand and body only to see the ground below it. So I'm basically a ghost to the people huh? I smile at this and walk throigh the gate and fate the men to see if they can lwad me to anywhere useful, when i got dragged into listening in on their conversation.  "Hey, did you hear about that Akabane kid?" The one on the left, ginger, ask the raven on the right "No, what about him?" Raven replied back "Apparently this rich family wants to adopt the brat" "Really, that insane kid? What did he do? What do they want him for?" Raven asked, ginger shrugged. "Must be the family that likes to take orphaned disables for the fame of television, I don't know whether to be sad for the freak or them" ginger said as they burst out laughing be for turning in the direction of younger me.

How come I don't remember any of this? If i did i kniw i wouldn't have hesitated to punch their lights out. "I bet $100K that they bring him back by the end of the month" Raven proclaimed, ginger smirks back "Please, $200K says they'll brain him by the end of the week" they cackle. I feel rage flare in me and I swiped at the back of their heads even though i knew it wouldn't do anything,  but it did, the swipe made them boh fall forward before looking around to see who did it. I didn't know if this invisible was permanent or not so i rushed over to younger me and whoever he was talking to in the tree.

(Hey, so wattpad kept deleting this section of the chapter so I'm jus going to summarize  it all do ypu, okay? Well,  Karma went up to the tree only to see his younger self couldn't see him either, but the black headed boy in the tree could. It turned out he was invisible too, but not to younger Karma, to mini Karma he looked like a black headed boy named Katsu, verve though th a wand what he truck looked like the black heads boy kept this form because he was sent as an excuse for mini Karma to cope with the loss of his best friend Katsu who died in a car accident. After explaining this all to big Karma, mini Karma asked who Katsu what talking to and Katsu, who had no answer, froze the world; or in Katsu and Karma's, eyes the memory. After the memory pauses and went gray, Katsu lead Karma into the orphanage house and it was just like Karma's house, the different doors leading to different memories; Karma asked what they were doing and why he couldn't remember things form his childhood like Katsu. Katsu lead Karma to the different memories and at the final one explained that Karma had suffered from so much abuse and torment that the rules his parents made him follow took up to much space in his mind, so much that he had to repress the good memorize memorize his childhood. I think that's all, enjoy the rest!!)

I looked at Katsu once he shut the door "But wait, if i had to suppress my memories how come you were still there, well at least, not looking like this" i asked as he looked away as if he ashamed of himself "Well, I was your best friend, of course you wouldn-... you wouldn't have forgotten me at that time..." Katsu trailed off which made me feel bad, from what i saw in the memorize he truly was my best friend and i was forced to forget him. Katsu offered me a small smile "As for i didn't look as i normally do now, well that's because you still talked to me, your "parents" didn't want a seemingly mental child so they constantly took you to therapy, and I'm sad to say that it worked in getting rid of me. The white hair from the stress of trying not to vanish completely from your mind, and the bleeding from the eyes thing...? Um? You know how people say they more you say you don't believe the more fairies die? Well the same is for angels, except we're already dead in a sense i guess so..." he trails off.

I raise an eyebrow "Angels huh?" I ask questioningly, he just shrugged "You wouldn't believe you could be possessed by a figment of you own mind either unless you've seen it" he stated with a smile "Tòuche" I said smiling back, but then frowning. I remember everything after that, but what's woth you coming back all evil in the present? I ask thinking of all of the things he's done and is currently doing, the memories appeared before us and Katsu looked shocked as he scrolled through them. "I-I'm... I'm k-killing people!? What!? No no no no! This... this can't be possible, I can barely even thump your forehead without feeling bad, this cant be possible!!!" Katsu yelled historically "Well it is, you took over my body, even once befor this, and are kill in innocent people under the control of whomever can bring you back, you've even threatened my husband and kids" "I threatened. .. you have kids? A-and I threatened them? What? Why? How?" He asked as i shook my head. "I don't know why or how, but i do know that I want this bastard out of my body and for my husband, kids, and friends, to be safe" I said as Katsu got caught up with his thoughts. He eventually broke out into a smile after a few minutes, whether it was a good or bad smile I don't know "Okay, I have a plan, but there's a catch" He said sounding nervous, I raised an eyebrow. (sassy Karma on the go!~) Katsu finally looked into my eyes, as he said this "I'm going to have to use your body for a while"

Whoooooooo!!!! My first update in a while!!! So I don't know of the next 2 chapters are going to be all in Gakushuu's p.o.v., they may be. And I'm sorry if this story ending is a little rushed, I was sure of it a while ago but that was when I still starting this story out,  But now I'm not too sure. But I guess it doesn't matter now at the moment, comment what you will and I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byyyyeeee!!!!!

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